F. Thot Fitzgerald

“Women.......women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Bubba...but I do deny them my essence.”

Right? I got so grossed out when I read this bit

Heh— the easiest way to closet yourself around a Republican is simply to put on lipstick. They’ll never find you now!!

Good to know that she’s still a piece of shit. Thank you for reassuring me. :P

Holy shit I’m a pisspoor lesbian in the eyes of the average Republican.

Also follow-up, they tried to film at another university in the area and they heard about how bad things were and barred them from shooting four days before they were supposed to start.

Kristen Callavari or whatever that chick’s name was who was on the Laguna Beach with her is probably fucking terrible. That Revenge of the Nerds reboot was shot on my college campus (it’s all female). She was apparently talking shit about how it’s a “dyke school” and talking about how she hoped no “dykes” hit on her,

If she takes hate crimes very seriously then why the fuck is this giant golden russet of a woman aligning herself with a party who has a serious white supremacist problem? Hell, Neo-Nazis and the Klan loved Republican/Conservative candidates even before Trump, so it’s not like she can claim this is a new thing either.

I was JUST thinking she looks like that instagram meme where people paint an egg or the curve of their forearm or thumb something to make it look like it’s got a full face of makeup on.

“It’s wrong but not immoral”

Yeah, I wish they’d keep their more work-wear friendly stuff. This is lame.

This shit infuriates me. In terms of rhetoric alone, this is the most pandering, simpering, weak-minded bullshit I’ve read this week. “The Mother” bullshit aside, this “Baby Roe” nonsense is pure tripe. Naming the baby while dehumanizing the woman involved is such a naked attempt at emotional manipulation.

My favorite thing about that last picture is that they’re all fucking rowing in different directions. (That and several of the people in that painting have since been ousted.)

Tag yourself. I’m the man ripping off his own face.

When your list of inadequacies is so wide-ranging it includes “incompetent at treason” and “can’t change a pillowcase”, it’s time to throw in the towel.

I’m the discarded baby doll at Trump’s feet that is supposed to be a super racist dogwhistle carrying the implicit suggestion that something bad probably happened to a (white) child, but has more than likely been hurled out the window by a 5 year old throwing a tantrum because their parents won’t stop at Burger King.

Ahahahaha these mouthbreathers think she cooks for her family rather than pays for someone else to do it. Okay.

The thing that got me was that he said “Nobody said anything good”. Like...what were you expecting, you asscork

God I’m hoping so. I feel like the caption under his picture should have “Governor Kemp” in quotations.