Arthur 'Two-Sheds' Jackson

To piss with.

I’m not particularly religious, but one of the things that makes me sincerely hope that hell exists is so these evil people who do things in the name of Christianity, even though most of those things clearly violate the most basic principles of the religion, get an awful shock when they die and discover that God

Hard as titanium.

Sterling silver is pretty soft.

You know what? If my comment upsets you so terribly, I’d suggest you not watch or read the news for the next 4-8 years, because things are happening that will cause you to have a stroke.

You’re right. No one has been hurt in any serious way because of Trump’s actions and certainly no one is going to be hurt in the future.

Well he’s got the beaver and other rodents vote locked down, that’s for sure.

Yeah because Donald Trump has done absolutely nothing horrible in his short time in office that has betrayed and destroyed the lives of people who believed in him when they cast their votes.

They’re 4 Lombardi Trophies on the table in the first photo and 5 in the second one.

“I just trusted him.”

Why would you write that when you could have written “Dick 4:69" instead? What a wasted opportunity.

Well to be fair Ann Coulter has been doing that for decades now.

The beer industry answered that question decades ago.

Of course he doesn’t. You have to have committed murder to be a serial killer and OJ was found not guilty, so he clearly doesn’t qualify.

I’m sure Jeter thinks he has a good chance of making this happen. But I’m betting it’s not as simplex as he thinks.

To start. You’ll probably have to kick in another 250K when winter hits so I can get it operational again around March/April 2018.

This concept is why I laugh at people who spend big money on snowblowers when I’m able to accomplish the same thing simply by harnessing the power of the sun and channeling it into an intense snowmelting tool that I call “spring”.

You can always make the reasonable argument he pressured or coerced her into a sexual act, but the fact of the matter is that isn’t assault, even if it is the POTUS doing the pressuring.

If you were married to Chaffetz, would you want to look directly into his eyes?

So what? The President doesn’t have the Constitutional power to order interns to polish his knob.