
You okay, man?

Before you rush out and upgrade, ask yourself, “how would an iPhone 15 improve my life?”

I feel like this line of thinking is expressed a lot but is there any evidence for it?  To me, it feels like most poor or middle class people feel hopelessly stuck in their financial predicament and that the “fuck the rich” rhetoric is as loud as it’s ever been.

I really have a hard time differentiating one airline from another. I live in Denver where United has a hub and it’s usually a pretty good way to travel. But, Southwest also has a hub here and other than the boarding process, I really can’t tell a difference.

Two masters degrees and earning (much) more and working (a bit) less than the average engineer, at a job I really like, so I appreciate your sympathy but I’m good.

I like Jalopnik and have been a reader for years but find myself at TheDrive more often because of headlines and shitty journalism like this. 

Hey!  Another data point supporting everyone’s observations that most engineers struggle with the basics of social interaction.

Kylie Cheung offering proofreading advice to anyone is delightful. 

Do you actually know the cost of these policies?  Given the odds of a hole in one being made, I’d guess your $1,000 estimate is off by at least an order of magnitude. 

How funny that you mention this because I just watched a 15 minute YouTube video about this story on Sunday. Helluva shot and what a thrill to not just meet MJ, but have him be impressed by and happy for you.

I’m not defending the use of marijuana while working (in my job, we’re regularly tested) but people argue with you because saying that marijuana and alcohol are “the exact same thing” is silly. 

The don’t owe anyone an apology, least of all the hateful, shit-stirring losers of Jezebel.

Have you actually experienced this?  If not, you have no idea. 

DM is a rapist who deserves jail he did not transgress against you or me and we are therefore not in a position to offer forgiveness. 

Thank you for the correction. I had misinterpreted what I read. 

When you remember that the average new car price is $48.5k (that’s new CAR price, not new vehicle) I think the ITS is absolutely worth it. It’s a pretty great performer with Honda reliability and having sat in one, it’s quite nice. It’s an eminently usable daily that the critics love to drive and it barely costs

Well, sure. You’ve got to be psychotic to buy an Altima!

I bet your wife would observe that both of your comments zeroed in on this man’s wealth and then ask you why money elicits hostile feelings.

Yikes. You okay, man?

No True Scotsman