Career studio musicians?
Career studio musicians?
A.V. Club was WAY off on their ridiculous D+ grade for The Offer. It was awesome. Just admit when you get it wrong. EVERYONE I know that’s watched it has loved it.
OK, seriously guys. We need to talk about this whole “lack of pictures thing.” I get that the higher ups may have decided that it is too much bother or cost to license pics from other sites and it isn’t all that hard to click the link and go to the original site, but what is even the point of an article that is “look…
“While some employees disagree, we have a strong belief that content on screen doesn’t directly translate to real-world harm.”
Well you know if you had bought one of the knives you could free yourself from anything you got roped into.
There’s only one appropriate co-host for Noel, and that’s Julian Barrett:
Oh my God I will literally pay someone not to ever have to hear about this thing again
They hang from your mouth like bats in a cave. Oh outside bones, outside bones!
Teeth are just outside bones.
Listen, I keep saying this, which is at the same time melodramatic and anti-melodramatic :
They are receiving more money now than at any time in the past, but they are receiving less money, adjusted for inflation, than they have AND they are receiving less money per child(real) than they have in the past.
My counter take
Sometimes I prefer boneless wings and sometimes I prefer bone-in wings.
I think we need to set proper expectations for our kids that’s why I’m writing a book called “Listen you little shits, Daddy has been entertaining you ungrateful monsters since 6 am. Daddy needs a cold beer and a hour of daddy video games time. Shut up and go bug your mother for a while”
A dude building a deck with blatant disregard for proper rail spacing...
Granted I haven’t seen a full Purge movie, but I always wondered why murder was the focus. I get that it’s one of the most taboo and normally-unthinkable crimes, but do they depict people stealing or street racing? People erecting structures that the zoning commission would otherwise nix? People committing massive…
No idea where I got “Kadeem” from. Maybe I saw him in a show with Adelle Dazeem.
My dealer always says thanks when I give him money too. Doesn’t make him a good guy.