
THE MOST important component isn’t the raw power (don’t get me wrong, it’s important)... but rather the science behind the code that these computers are crunching. We (the US) need to make sure we keep churning out scientists to fuel these machines.

Tesla did that with their ‘battery tech’ which was pointless. Nobody needs it, as it is nothing terribly different from other companies. There is no magic sauce in the Tesla... just hundreds of pounds of (mostly Panasonic’s) batteries.

So, does dart 1 go farther than 2, which goes farther than 3? It would seem air pressure is lost as the flow travels through the manifold.

Except you ‘have to remain in control’ 100% of the time... and if ANYTHING goes wrong YOU are to blame, not Tesla (even if the system screws up)... because of, you know, lawyers. Several car makers are waiting to debut actual sytems ready for prime time... and will accept liability if something goes wrong (Volvo is

The bigoted part of the Republican party is very small, actually. But VERY vocal. If you look at the party as a whole, they have more in common with many religious groups... it’s just that, you know, the a-holes keep spouting their bigoted beliefs and that’s what’s killed the Republican party.

“lapsed catholic” If it weren’t for the lapsed variety, there would be but a handful of Catholics left.

Except, both religions cannot tolerate the existance of people that don’t accept their god. Religion of peace, turn the other cheek, etc. doesn’t really exist in religions.

I like products like this. It let’s me know who the morons are... so I can avoid them. Beats headphones are in the same category.

LWIR works better at melting things... 10.6um (CO2) lasers are a good example.

The same can be said for a bullet hole.

Double whammy! But too soon. Too soon.

Take the log of those plots, and they are likely linear. Can humans perceive progress in a logarithmic form? Perhaps, we hear over many orders of magnitude (hence the practical use of the decibel system)... vision is similar in terms of the dynamic range of our eyes. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think the

A fried of mine actually starts to DISLIKE things when too many people ‘jump on the bandwagon’. I give him hell about it.

Fair enough.

Driver is right. I vote, sometimes Dem, sometimes Repub.... I am a registered independent. I’d bet YOU vote Democrat... and always have. Would you consider voting for a better candidate, regardless of party? That’s what I do.

If a person does these ‘calcuations’ in one’s head... it’s called prejudice and is labeled as profiling. If a computer model does it, people will still scream racism. I guess computers are racist, too... and so is mathematics, huh?

Or, you know, people actually stop commiting as many crimes. Unlike matter/energy, there is not law of conservation of crime.