
Just make a genetically altered bat to eat the killer bees. Fixed!

And built entirely with Chinese grade steel and cement....

Now playing

For those saying America is lagging behind the technology, Connecticut pulled a similar trick last year. Closed the highway late Friday, had it open before the Monday commute.

No, we (engineers in America) don’t- unless it’s a case study on what not to do.

I would like to know more.

Tesla - A single button on the dash is crooked by 0.000001 CM.

but if Toyota did the same thing it would be the reason you hate Toyota..

Shortened version:

Don’t scare your cat, because the cat gets scared.

I’m sincerely sorry if I offended anyone but in my opinion the amount of women in tech reflect the amount if interest women have in tech.

The FDA isn’t about studying the effects of everything. The FDA is about regulating markets.

I’m baffled by the resistance to labeling. If it’s safe, then why not just say what it is? They do all kinds of surveys and evaluations as to whether people care about labeling, but I just can’t imagine anything less strenuous and costly than adding those three letters to a label. GMO. Whew, now that I’ve done it

I can’t help but remember that the whole “contained” and “sterile” words were used in Jurassic Park.

“Being part of the wedding party sucks.”

“sorry we only sell those to members.. Have you signed up yet?”

Let’s be honest, without it he would be more of an idiot than a badass.

What is with the chanting during moments of silence?

I’m fairly certain I’m going to be written off as a troll, but if race is a social construct as gender supposedly is, then what prevents me from saying that while by all visual cues, I am a white Italian living in America, that I actually identify as a Middle Eastern man living in America?

I lose my train of thought all the time. Why, just the other day ...

That’s what I was thinking, just follow the damn tracks