
What really stood out for me was the smog. I assume that’s smog.

“They Saved The Most Brutal Hunger Games Movie For Last”

“This product has a material in it known by the state of California to cause cancer”

There is surprisingly little information about the paint in this piece. Well, I guess I’ll google it.

Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? Killer bees, anyone?

There IS a difference. If there were no differences, there would be no point. Label it. Simple. Heck, label it as ‘new IMPROVED salmon’ for all I care... but label it.

I’m not afraid... but I AM educated and I know that we do NOT know everything there is to know about genetics. Period. I am concerned that altering one gene may affect something else. This CAN happen. Play it safe, let people know what they are eating. Label it. If it is OK to eat, then eat it and be happy. But don’t

I bet you’re a blast at parties.

I seriously read the title as GIFS (not gifts) and clicked... was disappointed.

We need more men in nursing! I cry foul! And why don’t we hear complaints about getting more women in, say, construction or truck driving?

Clever girl.

I live dangerously... always ‘at the risk of oversalting’... but that’s how I (butter my) roll. Which, btw, is DELICIOUS with unsalted (perishable and flavorless) butter.

Plus, how much salt is in salted butter? IDK. Maybe they want less than that? Finally, unsalted is the only butter you should buy anyway... you can always add salt, but not the reverse.

An accelorator “100x shorter than what’s currently possible” is NOT chip size... Still cool, but not as small as suggested.

I guess technically a vacuum tube is a linear particle accenerator... let’s credtit John Ambrose Fleming (1904) for that one.

Those are the fact canceling headphones... totally different product.

All apes are to be sold to Gen Sys, Inc. for Alzheimer’s research.

Call me willfully ignorant, but my observations (in life in general) are the squeaky wheel gets the grease... and the loud mouths get air time. I’m a registered Independent just FYI... but I know a lot of people that are socially liberal... but lean to the right (for fiscal reasons). My observations are limited, but

I didn’t mean to generalize... but I did. Clearly there are exceptions.