
We need more men in nursing! I cry foul! And why don’t we hear complaints about getting more women in, say, construction or truck driving?

I live dangerously... always ‘at the risk of oversalting’... but that’s how I (butter my) roll. Which, btw, is DELICIOUS with unsalted (perishable and flavorless) butter.

Plus, how much salt is in salted butter? IDK. Maybe they want less than that? Finally, unsalted is the only butter you should buy anyway... you can always add salt, but not the reverse.

Call me willfully ignorant, but my observations (in life in general) are the squeaky wheel gets the grease... and the loud mouths get air time. I’m a registered Independent just FYI... but I know a lot of people that are socially liberal... but lean to the right (for fiscal reasons). My observations are limited, but

I didn’t mean to generalize... but I did. Clearly there are exceptions.

Except you ‘have to remain in control’ 100% of the time... and if ANYTHING goes wrong YOU are to blame, not Tesla (even if the system screws up)... because of, you know, lawyers. Several car makers are waiting to debut actual sytems ready for prime time... and will accept liability if something goes wrong (Volvo is

The bigoted part of the Republican party is very small, actually. But VERY vocal. If you look at the party as a whole, they have more in common with many religious groups... it’s just that, you know, the a-holes keep spouting their bigoted beliefs and that’s what’s killed the Republican party.

“lapsed catholic” If it weren’t for the lapsed variety, there would be but a handful of Catholics left.

Except, both religions cannot tolerate the existance of people that don’t accept their god. Religion of peace, turn the other cheek, etc. doesn’t really exist in religions.

Fair enough.

Driver is right. I vote, sometimes Dem, sometimes Repub.... I am a registered independent. I’d bet YOU vote Democrat... and always have. Would you consider voting for a better candidate, regardless of party? That’s what I do.

European cities have an air quality problem. Diesels are spoiling the air at an alarming rate: