
27mi instead of 26.2mi is within 3%... I’d call that pretty good.

Sooo... Plenty of water for everyone, huh?

The shutter opens and exposes the film ‘one line at a time’ so to speak. The difference is the whole film is exposed for a given amount of time... then blanked again... but it is not exposed one single ‘line’ at a time. Am I making sense? The film collects light from ‘line 1’ then from ‘lines 1,2’ then 1,2,3 then

20 minutes would be plenty for my yard!

That you can only read within 50m! Just like those ‘stay back 200ft’ signs on trucks that are in 20pt font.

European cities have an air quality problem. Diesels are spoiling the air at an alarming rate:

Team Dog FTW!

Thank you all for your service!

If you have spotty GPS coverage (e.g. heavy tree cover whilst backpacking), you know that GPS often underestimates distance, due to the coarse sampling (all those switchbacks get ignored).

I came hear to see the “Apple did it first” comments. I leave satisfied.