Frozen Soviet Sex Lizard from Space

I carry a handgun, and even I go... if I am in a situation where someone is within six feet of me, and aggressively demanding my wallet... I’m giving them the wallet.

If someone was just bothering me... yeah, I’m not drawing my gun.

She sounds semi-proud of never pulling the trigger, but in nearly 12 years of concealed

A couple years back, a local sports station did a remote on the infield at the NASCAR race that, and I gotta say, the bigger problem isn’t the flag, but how absolutely confrontational people get about it when they fly it/wear it/do whatever.

Local DJ asked a guy who was decked out in all the usual shit (sleeveless

I suppose if someone had to saw off one of my legs, I wouldn’t say no to a bucket of Bud Ice before hand...

you don’t know a 10 year old or 6 year old who can’t say “yes I love him/her? Not good enough consent?

Someone really needs to talk to Mark Wahlberg about his age.

I watched exactly 15 minutes of him in Transformers Age of Extinction (just to see how long I could) and they tried to establish that he and TJ Miller were the same age. Uh-uh, bro.

Then, add to that, him playing Marcus Luttrell who was a decade younger than

Between this, the Confederate Battle Flag, and anything held up by Don Lemon, this has been a bad couple of weeks for banners, flags, and signs.


... say all of that slower, I didn’t have time to finish.

Not in the slightest. It’s just the only difference.

My wife and I have used a Student version for years, still paying half the cost of regular Prime, and the only downside is no membership sharing. In other words, if I want to order something off Prime, I have to use her account.

Other than that it’s exactly the same.

The one thing that I majorly disliked about This Is The End is that disliking Forrest Gump was the sure sign of a hipster.

Forrest Gump is not a good movie. It’s got a kick-ass soundtrack and a bad-ass character in Lieutenant Dan but beyond that, it’s just not that good.

This is like the third summer or so that it’s been out, and last summer was the first time it was in cans, and I refused to drink it any other way after that. So much better.

Shiner Bock is not good, but most of their other offerings are pretty damned good. My cheap go-to is their Black Lager (I may need to get some on the way home now).

Shiner Bock has a greasy aftertaste that once you taste it, can’t be ignored. The only thing really obnoxious about Shiner is that when you drink with out

My friends are all about it, and were mad when it was only available in Family Reunion Packs (where the criminally underrated Kosmos is still only available) and now are in their own 12-packs.

Me, personally... it’s not my favorite of theirs by a long shot.

This one is best enjoyed in cans.

Nothing like slamming a 12 pack after it’s been swimming in a salt and ice water bath on a hot-as-fuck Texas summer day at the pool.

So what, I have a photo of how Richie celebrated National Hamburger Day just three days prior, and this is way spicier.

I need this guy’s head shop’d onto Supa Hot Fire’s head, stat.

Drew, I have to know. Do you capitalize THE GREATER GOOD because you’re mentally saying it like the townspeople in Hot Fuzz do?

Bean Bunny below Robin the Frog is a goddamned travesty.