Frosty Jim

I tried to get my mom to harvest stuff for me in Skyrim once, but... it never got off the ground, that idea. I wanted to come home from work and have stuff ready to be alchemated... Just wanted to outsource it to her. I thought she’d like picking virtual flowers...

Better a menopausal woman who believes in global warming and wanting to do something about it, even if only because of the hot flashes, than someone like Trump who thinks the CFC’s in his hair spray stay in his hermetically sealed Trump Tower apartment and for that reason alone dismisses global warming.

That was probably on side two of his mix-tape “Pissin’ to the Oldies, Volume 2".

Of course not. Trump could literally drown babies on camera and still nothing. Zilch. Nada.

When I hear the words “cultivating” and “Donald”, I picture a Russian farmer tending his field of Trump’s hair, and he’s the root vegetable underneath, like some fat, ugly, orange mandrake.

Why is Tom Hanks there, and what is he eating?

To see if he’d donate some of his hair, no doubt.

Comedy Central should offer to do another roast.

Charles Ingalls would be proud.

I think samyube is just Trump pretending to be his own publicist again.

How ironic that some rich white guy in white gloves bought that painting too.

So let’s see that roomful of doubt then.

You’re making an argument too. Prove yours?

That is actually the first time you said that. Right there, in that comment.

Why do you think members wear masks and not name tags? Why do want so much to believe Trump doesn’t come from a family of racists?

Right. He was probably just there to get directions on how to get away from there.


You mean, imPEEchment, right??