Frosty Jim

Drip, drip, drip!

“The report goes on to say that Trump requested that his favourite band, Urea Heep, be played during the alleged sexual acts.”

Yeah, not really a good time for editing, m’right? I mean, when you murder someone and you give your statement to the cops, your first draft’s your final one, ain’t it?

Mouthwash, blue vodka, potato, tomato...

Mouthwash, blue vodka, potato, tomato...

Yeah, if I saw this thing in someone’s bathroom I’d assume it was some sort of Fleshlight that was accidentally left out.

Yeah, if I saw this thing in someone’s bathroom I’d assume it was some sort of Fleshlight that was accidentally left

What if the only ugly thing in your bathroom... you?

What if the only ugly thing in your bathroom... you?


I concur!

Would an android care about being objectified?

Really? I tried getting into it... Should I give it another chance? I did like the books...

Yeah, I love those movies too, but... I loved playing the games as well. As long as it is going to get made (as it appears to be the case), I’ll still want this rather than watching Indiana Jones for the umpteenth time. I just want this movie to be done well... done properly... to do justice to the Indiana Jones games

I only care about this thing if I can play Skyrim on the toilet.
Get back to me when you know if I can play Skyrim on the toilet.

That’s what she said.

I came here to see Ellen Page’s boobs. Where are Ellen Page’s boobs?

Being responsible will make you 25 bucks. Ask me how.

Being responsible will make you 25 bucks. Ask me how.

This needs to be done with every tweet. With the Akham “bing-bong” jingle played first.

lol @ the analog sticks are its feet!

Answer: anally or vaginally. Your pick.

I see a piece of poo, one end crunchy and dry, the other softer and likely to slip out easily, without the strain needed for the crunchy end.

But you see a penis. Which one of us is the weird one?