Good luck ending racism, world.
You can play Skyrim on Mac, even without Bootcamp. There’s a free app called Winebottler, or something along those lines. I can’t remember exactly, as it was a couple of years since I had my iMac. This app works by porting the game, or, essentially, with witchcraft. Whichever explanation makes the most sense.
And if you get Skyrim for your low end, get the Grass on Steroids mod. It somehow will boost FPS, if installed correctly. If you only have one mod, at least make it one that can help with the FPS.
Riddle me this: I had an iMac a couple of years ago, and managed to get Skyrim to run on it. Had it “heavily” modded for that computer, and one time when I had really high texture mods going, the screen went all screwy and it did a hard reset. This might have happened a couple of times. I thought it might have fried…
“Better campaign”...
I don’t know why, but, everytime I see a HamNo article, I picture Nolan North.
“Appling! Don’t be so niggardly with the mashed potatoes! Just got another complaint from table 3! And blackify them tatters like I done told you!”
Who bets this is what Trump was gonna tell us we all didn’t know about computers and Russians on Tuesday/Wednesday?
It’s okay, I’m his boss and I’ve been monitoring him. Been getting complaints, left and right. I told him he needs to come in early tomorrow, which is when I’m going to fire him...
I’m sorry it had to come to this. It sure is going to be awkward to continue banging his wife.
I’m your boss and if you don’t stop your bitching, I’ll fire you and fuck your wife/daughter/dog.
Custodians get breaks too, there, Lord Grantham.
He’ll have to move to France first, to tell his boss va te faire foutre.
Very apropos:
I only play Skyrim on PS3. Yes, PS3. I do have it on my laptop as well, but, really, I only mod that one. I don’t actually play it. Because, one mod too many and *boom*, I gotta nuke it and start over fresh. But I actually play Skyrim on console. One of these days, I’ll finally have a great PC capable of handling…
Waitaminute - - they reanimated Dick Clark??