Frosty Jim

“Is that a flashlight in your pocket or are you just - - WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKING MASTURBATING?!”

“Coach said, ‘go long’! How was I supposed to know he didn’t mean me??

He was also on the latest season of Trailer Park Boys, fyi.

Me, I can’t figure out everyone’s obsession with this Jon Snow fella:

Bakula, Baio, same thing.

Never played, but, would I be right in assuming he could refine it into diamonds? Because somehow?


I want Rocksteady to make a Batman game set in the Animated Series universe.

America: The Greatest Assassnation on Earth.

2kb’s worth of DLC, perhaps? Call it the “Hitler wearing a dress skin” DLC?

Oh, ffs...

I’m gonna do this, but, I’m telling you now, that pre-bird’s gonna be fried..

...maybe a little sriracha...

...Go Fish, Rock, Paper, Scissors...

“Only” is a skosh unnecessary.

Nope. Nuh-uh. No-sir-e-Bob.

Why didn’t it fight back?

Mike Pence also comes with a warning about insertion into the ear canal.

Oh god, what’s that make the ketchup?!

Way down, big trouble, dead!