Glad to see the guy finally caught a break.
Glad to see the guy finally caught a break.
I’m shocked the guy with a mohawk, tank top, and hipster glasses didn’t try to step in.
Outtakes from Season 72 of Entourage.
I’m fairly certain Sony has since jumped ship.
You’d think the international anti-corruption agency would basically be called “Sepp Blatter should resign, then we’ll get to other shit”.
"Who wants to text Mozgov?"
The odds that this was 100% Manny’s decision to withhold the injury are currently at 250:1.
These goal celebrations are getting out of hand
I don't see what the big deal is, he didn't even decapitate him.
It's Indiana, not Insteve.
So which is the Cardinal way? Fatal DUI, or just DUI?
Well, Tom, if you can think of a better term to describe songs from The Sound Of Music, I'd sure like to hear it.
Well next, you're going to want full-time refs. Where will it end?
Clearly all the pressure and gas and hot air and soft balls and ball rubbing jokes have been made on this topic, so let me just day this: Hitler had some pretty good ideas
the only thing worse than cheating is cheating when you don't even need to cheat. that's just a dick move and we've all known people in our lives just like this. did they gain a competitive advantage, or even need one in the first place? probably not. are they entitled fucks who probably don't tip the pizza guys? …
this is my day job.
My comment noted that the statistically average US male is now qualitatively shortish (compared to, among others, most of central Europe) and chubby (compared to, among others, every fucking country on the planet).
Police who arrived on the scene described it as a "riot"