Disappointed/Surprised that “Hoosier Thunder” didn’t get involved in the brawl.
Disappointed/Surprised that “Hoosier Thunder” didn’t get involved in the brawl.
Okay, now I’m curious (and embarrassed): Why?
Not a Chiefs fan or, necessarily, a football fan, but I love posts like this where plays are broken down (in any sport). Interesting as hell. Good work.
Right. Mylan also spent a huge sum of money acquiring patents to similar products so that they could extend their monopoly. Have to recoup those costs somehow.
This is 100% false. In fact, Mylan recently intervened to block the approval of a generic small-dose injector. There’s a $100 coupon out there (so...15% off), but that only reduces the cost to $498 for a two-pack. If you have no insurance or a high deductible, there’s no getting around the rest of it.
The fact that it took me a minute makes this comment all that much better... Well done.
This is outstanding.
It’s not making a Dodger Dog that’s violent, it’s digesting it.
We all agree, though, that the Walkers will ultimately defeated with Wild Fire, right? Kind of a Braveheart homage?
Since you know what you’re talking about, I’ve always been curious as to what a “Grip” does (in addition to Best Boy).
This is so true. Fact: Most (vocal) Blues’ fans are just bandwagon fans with a lot of Cardinals gear. Non-bandwagon Blues fans know, by now, to keep their head down. Cardinals transplants — not so much.
David Barkes
Agreed. He won’t play for the rest of the regular season, but will be back for the playoffs. Maaaaybe they “send a message” by making him sit one playoff game.
I believe the “repeat offender” time period only applies to consideration of the fine, not the suspension. For purposes of the suspension, he’s a repeat offender.
Aaaaand, here we go....
That’s not completely accurate. If you have a peanut allergy and tell the airline beforehand, they won’t serve peanuts on the plane.
That Michael Jordan was suspended for gambling.