
This is the one that I believe — the suspension.

Oh, c’mon. Next you’re going to tell me that flipping burgers is worth $30k a year.

Can’t believe he called him a cocksucker.

I have such a crush on you.

I first read his Twitter handle as “BJ Big Mike”. I’m going to choose to remember it that way.

Forgot about that, you’re right. And even the Empire had to track the Millenium Falcon in order to find out the location of the base.

Think about Luke’s conversation C3PO in A New Hope. He hadn’t ever been off Tatooine and was very excited that C3PO might know stories about the rebellion against the Empire. Also his first conversation with Ben Kenobi, when he learned that Ben might have fought in the rebellion. Seems like the common folk kind of

Further Spoiler Alert:

I feel like this reply hasn’t receive anywhere near the attention that it’s due.

“Share a Diet Coke with your — Slave

I’ve heard that too but haven’t read enough. Why are the broadcasters more likely to be in trouble than Budweiser or Coca Cola? Don’t they all have multi-year deals?

Back in the day, my sister and I were home alone on a Saturday night while our parents were out (I might have been 13 and she would have been 10). We decided to make brownies. Once we had everything mixed together, we decided that there was no way that baked brownies would be as good as eating the batter, so we

Hooters, then.

At least, but in StL, people actually think they've made it when they move out next to Applebee's and the Mall. If there's a Carlos O'Kelly's where they can dress up in their favorite Polo shirt and have a fancy happy hour, even better.

Yeah, that's the population of the City. All of the white people live about 45 minutes outside of downtown near Applebee's and the Mall.

Do you get the impression that the reporters who were burned by this are willing/able to do any more digging on this issue or are they stuck? In other words, without naming names (which they won't do and I understand why) is there anywhere else to go? Have we seen any response from the prosecutor's office as to what

Not to mention that the Sprint Center is a damned good venue for hockey: Site lines are top knotch (much better than St. Louis, Minneapolis and Chicago, where I see most of my games); downtown; easy parking, etc. It's a shame to see it go to waste.

One of the first things I learned as a new dad is that it's strangely calming when someone else's kid loses his/her mind. It's reassuring that other people's children act that way too, and its not your problem to deal with.

I reflexively started to bite my lower lip at about the 4 second mark.

true, but just because he was wrong about the Sandusky joke doesn't mean he's not right about the homophobia.