
that line, juxtaposed against the "Mike Pfieffer is a good ma who did one bad thing" line, tells you all you need to know about the legitimacy of the report.

The notion that Pfeiffer thought the idea was common within the sport is really Kluwe's entire point.

I think any time a report of this nature uses the phrase "[he's] a good man who did one bad thing..." to describe one of the subjects of the report, especially when the report is issued by a law firm, you can just throw it in the trash. Odd that they'll draw the conclusion that Pfiffer is the hooker with the heart of

Got it. Appreciate the education.

What do you mean when you distinguish between a better "team" and a better "side" (or are you distinguishing)? I've heard this before and have been curious about the difference. Is "team" the entire roster and "side" the typical starters?

I couldn't get past how low his ears sit on his head. Never seen anything like it.

I viewed the use of the phrase "greasy missiles" to describe the sandwich as a positive.

I don't know enough about anti-trust to figure out all the potential claims, but the ones that relate to the forced sale seem problematic because the league hasn't actually forced the sale. I don't think that claim is ripe until the owners actually vote. This particular sale was done (to the extent that it's "done")

He'd definitely have to show damages. I suppose he could argue that the value of the team would continue to escalate and he's being deprived of that return. Hell, I don't know. My suspicion is that those damages would be easier to prove than the illegal evidence claim, but I'm just guessing.

It doesn't really even mean that. It just means that the seller isn't loaning any of the money and that the consideration isn't something other than cash (stock, etc.). He could borrow the cash and use it to buy the team.

This is awesome.

Who knows? I'm not familiar with that deal, I just recalled seeing it this morning after reading your post. For certain, those things are not without their fair share of jackassery, so you're probably right.

Where do you get off telling him to fuck off?? Not only do you completely misconstrue his point, but you come off like a gaping asshole in the process. Thanks for playing, tough guy.

I hear you on the kid comment. They managed to watch 748 hours (give or take) of the draft prior to that moment with the announcers fawning over the player's girlfriends, but that was too much? Please.

I think he's going to try to sell it to the Duck Dynasty guys, just for the hell of it.

CNN just reported that it will be an indefinite suspension and a $5 million fine.

I hear you.

Keith won't (and shouldn't) allow himself to be baited into a fight over this. And the Blues shouldn't try to bait him. Each team has their hand full enough without chasing someone around. Emotions aside, the smarter team will focus on the game and not all of the ancillary bullshit.

Loved Nosuch Dame. Good call. Also, "I guess it's true that Pat Summit has forgotten more about basketball than I'll ever know." is right up there (was that TDK as well?)