
Same company that operates Ballpark Village operates the Power & Light District in Kansas City. Same dress code but more examples. It's been proven that your point is correct.

I completely agree with this. Have you read anything indicating why GMs might not like the three-point system? I haven't. Only argument I've heard is "we've never done it that way before." What's the downside that I'm missing?

Travolta, post Pulp Fiction, I'd say.

That's an all-purpose top she's got on in both pictures.

Lemme ax ya a question. How is it that ya get mud IN da tires?

Outstanding. +1

I've been here too long. I actually got that reference.

I liked the part where the Doberman got stabbed in the face. That made it worth it to me.


Her Jammies needed to be much tighter. And on the floor.

How old do you have to be that, when you see a cop standing in line somewhere, you wonder whether or not you could take his gun? It's apparently older than 41.

Two in the trench, one in the stench

Write a screenplay about it. Then it's okay.

The element of surprise is crucial to a properly executed shocker.

Two in the goo, one in the poo

Wait. If I understand your post (and I think I do), if Raysism was paid $20 million for his post about running with headphones, he'd be a success at life. Or if I made $5 million for writing a movie script about Alex Rodriguez fucking that unicorn, I'd be a success. In your world (sheltered as it has been) great

He was not making a joke about an article about a mentally challenged person who was shot dead, he was making a joke near an article about a mentally challenged person who was shot dead. Nuance.

I countered that with Ivory Coast, Portugal and Germany. Jesus.

Interesting stuff. Are pots always grouped geographically?