
Why did he change clothes?

I think if he got hit in the head or neck, his head goes in the same direction as the force of the blow. Here, his head and neck stayed in the same place as his body went roughly 7 feet the other way.

Poor reporter was shocked that her dad would talk like that.

I once witnessed him blow off a five year old kid who approached him in the airport asking for an autograph. The kid just stood there as Brett was talking to some other people, didn't interrupt or anything. Finally, Brett just glanced down at him, shook his head and turned his back to the kid, who was crushed. He

This post has inspired me to go to the barber and get a circa 1990 Brandon Walsh weight line haircut. Now that making fun of people's hair is off limits, I have the strength to pull it off.

Question: Do black women still have almost as big of a problem with white women dating black guys as white guys do? I haven't even close to that conversation in years, but when I was in college/law school (or, maybe more accurately, where I was in college/law school) it was sometimes a really big deal. The white

Okay, so I'm giving him the absolute maximum benefit of the doubt here, but couldn't you construe his statement to mean: 'I personally don't believe in it, but everyone can do what they want and I won't treat them differently.'

Now I'm the one that's confused. I've only been following sports for about 4 years, but I've never heard of Jay Mariotti.

I think it's having kids. People always say "everything changes" which is true, but also bullshit — you just get busier. The one thing that dramatically changes, though, is how you view death and, in my case, especially the death of kids.

Well, as far as Piazza is concerned, a couple of balls high and tight is a whole different kind of chin music.

Well, as far as Piazza is concerned, a couple balls high and tight is a whole different kind of chin music.


Agreed. That was a great line.

I thought the same thing, but since you can't break up the NYI, NYR, NJD group, the only other move that would work would be to put PIT and CBS in Division C. That would ruin PIT/PHI, which is one of the best rivalries around at this point.

Posting the video would have been stupid. This was the correct approach. One point OP.

One thing I noticed (probably because I was consciously trying not to look at the poor guy writhing on the ground) and was impressed by, was how quickly the other players on both teams reacted an called for help. It almost seemed like some of them had their arms up before poor Staal hit the ground.

I had a totally great response to you keyed up, completely (and artfully) refuting your position. Then I read your post one last time. Now I'm just sitting here feeling kind of dumb.


Quality points

So long as they don't get a color-guy who sounds like Mary Carillo (see Harkes, John), I'm fine with this.