
Vigilante justice. If I saw a guy's name on that list, I would avoid him if he were interested in me.

is Columbia also "policing" the men's rooms and erasing the slut shaming graffiti in the toilet stalls?

Don't fuck with Texas ladies, y'all. Shit goes DOWN.

DUDE. Did you just #Benghazi me? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you straight up kidding me right now? Are you just having a good troll or what?

Uhhhh. What difference does what make? What the hell are you talking about? What difference does this comment make, anyway? I PUT WORDS IN MY BOX YAY.


You're evidence is a joke. A plant. That's just what they want you to believe. Subscribe to my poorly edited newsletter and you'll learn "the real truth"!.

Basically everything women do is fodder for the MRAs. Their arguments aren't based on evidence or logic. They're going to find a way to blame and degrade women no matter what Tracie or anyone else writes.

Yes, as usual, let's leave out the size difference, the power difference, the cultural baggage and privilege of millennia, the fact that men have now and always had the power of life or death over women......let's leave all that context out of it so we can pretend that it's totally the same act if you flip the

I can't believe nobody's said the obvious, they're fighting because Illuminati. Duh. They were fighting over how best to team with the Reptilians and start the New World Order. Joking aside, I don't get why people are saying "if Jay-Z beat Solange it would be different". Of course, he's like 6'2" and has some weight

Yes, all violence is wrong. I'm not saying it's not. What I'm saying is that female on male violence is in no way comparable to male on female violence, so all these cries of hypocrisy and double standards are just stupid.

When the off-camera anchor patiently points out that what she's reacting to wasn't actually aired, I just basked in her FACE-ing. Way to blow up your own spot, girl.

No one got beat up. A bodyguard was holding Solange back the whole time. Even if he hadn't been there, Solange is 5'8' and female, Jay-Z is 6'2' and male. Female on male violence is not on the same level as male on female violence. The power balance is different, both physically and socially.

That video clip of Solange on the local news station was enough for me to never be interested in her as a fan. I don't have patience for shit like that. Calling someone out for unprofessionalism on live TV. Pot, meet kettle.


Right? We've already moved on to the long-winded deconstructions? TOO SOON JEZ.

While kicking out with her heel, Solange is held back by her bodyguard, who TMZ believes you can see also hitting the emergency stop button on the elevator.

Whatever the reason they were arguing, resorting to physical violence is bullshit. Not cool Solange, not cool. Go take out your rage like the rest of us do: by furiously stabbing at any food you can get your fork/spoon onto.

I love it when arguments turn into "oh, wait, we totally agree."

RE: Story #3 ...So that host just cut their friend group by 28! Or at least I hope.
I would lose my ever-loving shit on people who did that, give up on a social life, and become a light house operator/ full-time hermit.