
‘What sort of woman would do something like this to another woman

Good point. Goebbels had a PhD - can’t work out why he came to mind...

You are right. No one who knows Bannon, including those who dislike him, has ever said he was stupid. In fact, he is apparently *extremely* smart, and not just because of his degrees from Harvard and Georgetown, etc.

How bad was it that USC took swift, decisive action? I say that as a Trojan.

Decimation is in the eye of the beholder. At least 62 million Trump voters look at this as an attack by the biased liberal media on a good conservative woman who made a mistake and admitted it.

Underestimating your enemy is very dangerous indeed.

Steve Bannon went to Harvard. Is bare minimum of research and journalistic integrity so much to ask? White nationalists may have demented ideas, but that doesn’t make them uneducated, sadly, and given his success as Trump’s campaign CEO, I would say he knows a lot about this country, culture, and history. It’s

miss tina’s eyebrow genes are so strong lol

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.

...her husband of one season, Mike Shay.

Are you saying that you don’t think a 7 year-old is able to put together sentences like “I didn’t sleep since yesterday. I am hungry. I don’t want to die.”

If it was some western mother sending tweets from her child’s perspective about waiting for Santa Clause or something else banal no one would bat an eye, but because people don’t want to comprehend the suffering this child is going through they’ll try and find any reason to dismiss the source.

It doesn’t matter to me if she’s a baby, a kid, a woman, a man... this is scary and sad no matter what.

But did that happen or was it only in Issa’s mind?!

Also, it has been FUCKING RICH to watch SNL act like they have a moral compass or some political insight these last couple of weeks. The sad moralizing at the end of the election and now, “Oh, Democrats lost because they be like, ‘what gender is?’ right!”
This is the show that not only had Trump on but let him fucking

Hey, if they want to open up fraud discussions - how about the fishy looking vote totals in WI counties as it relates to paper ballots vs. digital-only ballots and 2012 vs. 2106. We can all go right down the rabbit hole all the way to the bottom if that’s what everyone wants.

France has over 5 million Muslims. France has, to put it lightly, a troubled relationship with its Muslim citizens (I think both sides bear some responsibility for that, but from a potential terrorists perspective, France has pretty much relegated Muslims to 2nd class citizens).

honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

but noteworthy nonetheless.

fyi: this will also work on plain hair.