
I should have been more specific when I said Trump voters (vs. supporters) - the majority of white people who voted voted for Trump. Most of them are conservative or moderate and not neo-Nazis and fascists. I agree that white supremacists who live their lives and hate exclusively online are worthless, it’s those more

YES. And it’s easy to write them off but y’all, they matter. And those that consider themselves moderate but watch Fox, etc. are very turned off by our smug disregard. Read this if you haven’t: They believe we are the enemy. We don’t refute that by telling them

My point is, this guy can clearly read and he’s not an idiot. Implying he is makes the author look ill-informed or too smug to realize where the real danger is.

Steve Bannon went to Harvard. Is bare minimum of research and journalistic integrity so much to ask? White nationalists may have demented ideas, but that doesn’t make them uneducated, sadly, and given his success as Trump’s campaign CEO, I would say he knows a lot about this country, culture, and history. It’s

These are some of the wealthiest, well-educated, well-connected people in our country. I grew up knowing a few. Don’t waste your tears - of course it’s a hardship, but it’s (a) one they knew was coming because their position is contingent on the president and (b) one they have more than enough resources to THRIVE

He’s an idiot, but he’s not wrong. Brown v. BOE made segregation illegal in the ‘60' why do I teach in an all-Black school? Why are all the public schools where I teach all-Black? The sad part is, once the law is changed, many folks think the problem is solved. When I talk to people about school segregation,

Oh fuck I remember that one too. Frightening humans are way scarier than ghosts.

Additional props for hiring so many models of color! [handclap emoji]

These businesses don’t control that - James Holmes got his guns, including the assault rifle, legally because Colorado law allowed for it. Gun sales in Colorado went up almost 50% the following week, so now even more idiots are packing heat and on high alert. Without policy action, how on earth could a business truly

Why can’t it be both? I’m sure Penn State treated them worse than they treat white athletes because they’re Black. I’m also sure they raped her. The coverage around this movie will also likely be worse than it would be for the innumerable white rapists with Oscar-worthy movies because they’re Black. I’m still sure

Nope. From the article:

Missed that byline.

New tramp stamp?

I can’t stop reading it.



There’s enough guilt and shame surrounding periods without pretending your tampon habit is destroying the environment. Switching to a cup is a great way to reduce your garbage footprint, but you can make more of an impact by finding ways to reduce the other 99.5%.

Are you being ironic? Or did you really just read my post discouraging white women from making everything about them and their whiteness and still manage to make it about you and your whiteness? If the latter, you’ve just proven my point about white women. Incredible.

Intersectional Feminism 101: White feminists, it’s not always about you.

She now joins a shady list of celebrities who have performed for dictators around the world: Mariah Carey was called out in December 2013 for also playing in Angola, Beyoncé performed for Moammar Gadhafi in 2009, and Jennifer Lopez has a history of accepting million-dollar checks to perform for corrupt leaders.