
The problem with campus rape is how college administrators respond to incidences of rape.

Being pregnant made me realize the importance of abortion access even more profoundly than before. Even though all my pregnancies have been welcomed (one was even specifically planned!), it is nevertheless an often uncomfortable, mental and physical takeover. Additionally, being a parent irrevocably changes your life

It's a real baby, you know, it's not some disposable somethin'

It's not drinking culture either. Rape and sexual assault exist in the absence of alcohol too

So parties move to off campus apartments instead.

I had a similar problem when I was in college, where I almost lost my scholarship because of an underage drinking violation...garnered by another student with the same name, while I was out of the country doing my semester abroad. They had this "We've ultimately decided to renew your scholarship, but we're very

While black yes. It's illegal to be black actually.

I once failed a employment background check because a woman in another state with the same name and birthdate as me had three active felony warrants. Ten minutes of googling confirmed that she'd been murdered by her boyfriend shortly after the warrants were issued. So I'm not surprised that arrest warrants issued

Sometime in the weeks after my dad died, someone showed up attempting to sell him life insurance, which was uncomfortable for all concerned - I can't even imagine how awful this situation is.

Something equally incredulous (but cool as all hell): Ugochukwu Uzoh.

James Jordan: *spins in grave*


While that is possible, my comment did get three recommends within as many minutes...

I liked my fair complexion and my wide hips until I got a hold of magazines as a young teen. :( Still have a complex about them today.

I agree with Emma Stone, but the reality is that a lot of famous people basically starve themselves (or do unhealthy things) to look as good as they do and then they become models for other people wondering why they don't look as good. Some people judge to be jerks, but some people judge to try and figure out why

Two things I actually really LIKED about my body until I read Seventeen articles about how to dress to "fix" my flaws: my long torso and hooded eyes! Up until reading a bunch of magazine articles about my gollum-like eyes and hideous torso, I actually thought they were some of my better feature (longer torso = more

"Emma Stone Says Let's Quit Judging Our Bodies"

Nobody is assuming anything. However, suggesting that law enforcement take complaints from women of color differently than they take complaints from women who are white is an assertion based on evidence. If you'd like to make the case why this particular instance of a police department failing to follow up on sexual

We have too many examples of the police just not giving a crap about people with less money and darker skin to pretend that wasn't a factor any more.

I appreciate articles like this. Sick bastards like this get off without any real penalty as it is, so at the very least they should have social repercussions. Personally, I think they deserve to be ostracized by everyone they know for the rest of their lives. When you hurt someone else they carry it with them for the