
I think this needs more mansplaining about how she doesn't have autonomy over her own body. Can someone link a couple hundred outraged screeds by angry white middle-aged men who want to control female sexuality?

I was 17 when I had mine and I remembered wishing I had done this afterward because, as Letts mentions, I was young and terrified and had all these minconceptions and then the thing turned out to take 60 secs and was totally painless. I have openly told virtually everyone who will listen about it so they know what the

It's a disheartening amount of "I am pro-choice, but abortion is bad and sluts should feel bad for having abortions because sluts. But yeah, I'm totally pro-choice."

Her video is amazing, inspiring and courageous. To put herself out there, even when she knew conservatives would go completely insane over it. I think she is going to help so many people with this video. You go girl!

She's obviously a very brave woman to put that on the Internet. I 100% commend her for it and I hope people don't take things too far and send her death threats and such.

Jon Hamm can dress my porno set any day, amirite?

Um, why, whatever photographer staged this photo? I get it - she's a woman - I don't need to be reminded of that with a visual cue about her relationship to ejaculate.

I'm so happy that this is going to be adapted for TV. She's Gotta Have It was such a groundbreaking movie. Really smart, funny and with a strong, black female character who was unapologetic about her sex life without painting her just as a hyper-sexual stereotype. I just pray that Showtime really does this show

If I were rich, I would spend my money on the stupidest most extravagant shit.

I get confused when the expensive stores only have one item of each piece of clothing. Am I supposed to magically fit into that size (since all the pieces are the same size), or am I supposed to ask the salesperson for that article in my size?

I just watched the episode and kept thinking "Goddammit GOT, can't you have ONE episode this season without some random, disgusting and completely unnecessary rape scene thrown in????"

dominance fantasies over various heads of state

Go fuck off down a mystery hole. If you're hesitating and thinking about sticking around, maybe commenting a few more times, just don't. Go ahead and find the nearest opening in the ground that leads to unknown depths, and report to the very bottom of it.

Oh, dear - people are gonna be letting their freak flag fly with this one. Let 'er rip.

I think its occasionally biting Bills dick on purpose during BJ.

That's what killed me the most. That, and this quote:

How heartbreaking that she was taken an route to trying to work with the system on her child, and then dismissed as a runaway and uncaring mom.