
About no one in particular.

I was thinking the same thing. My younger self didn't care about boys. She would have been more interested in how many books I had read (I started keeping count when I was ten) and whether I became a concert violinist. (I did not)

I wonder what percentage of comments about Rihanna's naked pics were about how she's "desperate for attention" as opposed to Madonna here, who has been doing this shit since before RiRi was a twinkle in her mother's eye (and looks just as good, IMO). And by the way, of course Madonna is trying to get your attention.

How am I not surprised that so many of us were book worms. Does that say more about Jezebel readership, or is it that kids who can amuse themselves with books grow up to be pretty kickass adults?

Seven-year old me would either be pretty impressed or horrified by my tattoos, but would definitely love our 5 dogs. And she would really like the idea that I can stay up as late as I want reading in bed!

I'm proud to say my younger self wouldn't have given a fuck about my relationship status, since all she cared about was reading and her dog and her friends and her art projects at school. Wish I could say the same about my current self ;)

One of my greatest accomplishments in life is knowing 12 year old me would think current me is pretty rad. My life goals at 12 were to do good in school, be pretty and well dressed, have a good job and marry a handsome guy -all the stereotypical, gendered markers of success- just so nobody could give me any shit about

I just went from liking Seth Rogen to loving Seth Rogen. Well done.

Right? And that on top of Meera being so close to her own rape. I was watching and I thought, "Oh come on, seriously? Can we just have one episode this season without triggering rape scenes?"

Lena Headey is absolutely killing it

Yeah, I hated that too. We get it. We really, really get it. We assume that the women will be abused, you don't need to show us every single assault.

"She may be a terrible person but the world made her that way."

this episode once again had changes from the book and close encounters with unnecessary rape, so i found it problematic. but at this point i'm just going to acknowledge the books and the tv show as two separate entities, i.e book cersei is definitely not the same as tv show cersei. le sigh. moving on.

GRRR I hate the background rapes at Craster's Keep. I wonder how they're written into the script:

A question came up on another of these threads elsewhere in the Gawkerverse about whether Bran & co. let Ghost out when they presumably let Summer out. Were Ghost and Summer being kept in the same pen? And if so do we think Bran ran into Ghost at all? And if so, I wish they had shown it. :( It would have been a nice

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Oh, you don't need to parse anything out for me. I was just curious about what sorts of violence you deem acceptable to laugh at.

The fact that you, Tom Ley, find this funny is more disgusting and sad than the actual fight/attack. It's beyond infantile or sophomoric, it borders on having a mental illness. These are young girls who clearly have a lot of issues, none of which are funny in the least. The girl who was hit with the shovel could very