
No, you fuck off. There are very few details about this abduction that have been confirmed, so there isn't a lot of information to report unless you want posts with wild conjectures and conspiracy theories a la CNN. Would you be happier with that?

The NPR radio show "Tell Me More" is discussing this right now; if you can't tune in right now on your local public station, you can find it on podcast later at this link:…

Why is this the first time Jezebel has mentioned this? This happened 16 days ago. If these had been pretty white girls, this website would have been going insane.

Their batshit extremism regards women as property—and marriage (even forced) will help uppity girls get back in their proper place. Ugh.

Because to them, women and girls are commodities, and their treatment as chattel is sanctioned by their god. Religious does not equal morally upright.

They can do this because they're hypocrites.

I don't get how these Islamist terrorist groups can claim to be so religious and then literally sell girls for money. I don't understand.

parabiosis (when two animals are literally stitched together to study the change in their bodies)

Hipster Elizabeth Bathory says "I was into this before it was cool."

It's possible, but I seriously know SO many teachers—across elementary, high school, and even college—who have terrible spelling/grammar. I know a composition instructor (she's getting a Master's in English and is applying to Ph.D. programs now) who routinely spells "flu" as "flue."

"Parabiosis? I fucking invented that!" - Madame LaLaurie

It's pretty obvious she meant the note to be found and attributed to a child, as there's no way a teacher really writes like that. It reeks of intention.

To think, Smithers, all I needed.... was the blood of a young boy.

I can't separate those images from this one. *shudder*

Oh sure, when I say this, people think I'm weird.

"If I had certain names I would not have the truble I do,"

Know buddy nos the truble she's seen...

Needs more fetishization of nonwhite people but otherwise, pretty spot on

You stay with your pet when he or she is being euthanized. I don't care that it is "too hard" for you. You suck it up, hold your pet, give kisses, and stay until the very end. Then you go to the beach and scream for as long as it takes. You do not leave your pet behind to be euthanized alone. Period. (Also, this vet

Read as much of this as possible and take the time to put content aside to focus on the culture of class in terms of gender/race identity development if you need to. Maybe it'll be fine, but WAATBKSTITC can be helpful for racial issues which also apply to gender. I've made mistakes in the past of focusing on content