
It may only be a matter of time before students take action. In order for an investigation to occur, someone needs to feel empowered enough to complain to the right authorities.

Finally! I have been a college professor for many years and have witnessed many young women traumatized by the way my school, not on list thank goodness, handled rape cases. Once 20 years ago I confronted the dean of students (a man) about why women aren't told to go to the police because I was so startled about the

So interesting how this list shows every kind of college where this is a problem - we get everything from your community colleges to your PAC-10 to your "fancy-schmancy" Ivy leagues and everything in between. If anything, I think this list goes to reinforce the fact that rape is a problem in every segment and

I'm actually glad to see my alma mater on here. Maybe this will force them to get their damn act together!

I am surprised not to see Mizzou on the list since they have admitted screwing up just this year. But you know they are totes fixing the problem so it won't be an issue, I'm sure.

Eurgh. Now that I think about it, they have even higher incentives to sweep this stuff under the rug.

Knowing how she got them makes them less attractive to me.

While I don't want to just dismiss these ladies out of hand (even if I don't approve of them on a moral level), has there ever been a prominent mistress who hasn't come off as deluded and awful? They should show videos of these ladies to young girls to show them the dangers of relying on men and temporary fame.

A woman is more likely to be killed or murdered by her partner while pregnant than at any other time in the relationship. That fact chills me to the bone.

Ok, so 1. I'm a wee bit (a lot) jealous of her Chanel bags

"Modern-day history. Civil-rights movement." Nominal-phrase-only predication. Irritation factor.

Nah, in reality it just doesn't work like that. Women find confidence attractive, men could generally care less about confidence in a woman

And people say that dudes don't try to knock up women so they can control them. Dude is still using the babies/not babies to control her.

So he's "against killing babies," but fine with threatening to kill the mother of three of his children in front of those children. What a (violent, misogynist) hypocrite.

I would be super comfortable and confident of my place in society if I were White, male, and most likely upper middle class.

This commenter is the worst/strangest/most amazing creature. "Damn I don't like u but my heart goes out too u but Saturday night hope u lose." Anti-choice, anti-Mayweather, anti-grammar, anti-spelling. ANTI-EVERYTHING.

I initially saw the middle image as two burka-clad people each raising an arm in the air. I now realize my previous post may insinuate that Muslim women have beards, which as far as I know is not the case.

Real nice that your mind is so small that you can't differentiate between an opinion on legality and a statement of support. Also my personal feelings on the matter are moot. Whether I think their scum or heroes doesn't effect their legal rights.

Not buying the story she's selling. Yeah, this owner can go fuck themselves but the story of "innocently strolling in, hand-in-hand, and confusedly asking what the issue was" is bullshit. She went in with an agenda, a noble agenda, but why not own up to it? That's the part that annoys me. If you're going to make a