
As a lady with big feet, I understand the frustration... I've had to pass over so many lovely shoes and styles in my time because half the time the styles don't run any bigger than a 10. But even despite the anguish I've felt all my life over this, all I can say is... damn, so not worth it.

This. And when people take generations of benefiting from vaccinations (both directly and indirectly) for granted.

Post-partum is rampant in my family. Though, I'm less scared of the actual depression part, if I choose to have a biological child, than I am about being able to prevent myself from shanking someone who tells me to eat more chard to get rid of "the blues."

I'm all for folks raising their children in the way they see fit (excluding neglect & the bad stuff, obvs.) But I have no shame in admitting I'm FULL-ON JUDGING the baby birding technique. What in the everloving fuck of all the fucks.

"Just eat lentils until the sadness passes!"

I read the phrase elimination communication and had a conscious uncoupling from my sanity.

Ha! My SO came back from a wedding singing the praises of an Elimination Communication mom he met there, and how they just held the kid over a bucket. Yes darling, that sounds lovely, but neither of us wants to be a stay-at-home mom or dad. And you're so right, you tell a nanny or a preschool to look for the poop face

"though it's less common among kind mamas, some women experience the blues after giving birth"

It really burns my noodle when people who have benefited from good luck, good health care and/or won the genetic lottery take their good fortune as proof that they have somehow found the Holy Grail of parenting, and proselytize whatever kinky path they've taken as The Way.

RE #2 — I know an Elimination Communication (will never get old) mom, and I think it's hilarious that she believes her nanny is actually letting her kids crawl around bare-assed peeing all over the floors all day while she's at work. That lady is bringing diapers from home and doing a 5:15 garbage chute run or my

Warren is an outsider, she's the real fucking deal. She would balance out some of the cynicism I feel for Hillary, who is uber competent but too cozy with some special interests like big Ag, Big Tech, and the banks.

RIGHT?! That is actually the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

16 years of sanity is how boss that would be.

YES. This was my first thought. I'll join in on the headdesking.

Have you met America? Do you even go here? Have you blocked out the last six years?

I'm praying for a Clinton-Warren ticket. How boss would that be?

What do you think the dynamic of having a male running mate for a "lesser" office would be? I can imagine a million Fox News pundits talking about how Hillary wears the pants and skirts photoshopped onto a male VP candidate.

It dawned on me yesterday that if she had been elected, Sarah Palin would have become a grandmother while vice-president. But gee, I only heard about "family values" when it was Palin, not "oh my God a grandmother can't be one heartbeat from the presidency."

No way. What if their cycles synchronize? They'll both be all crazy like women are at the same time and who will run the country?