
"I was bested in combat by a fucking duck" seems to be the sort of thing you'd want to keep to yourself.

The woman has four of your children, suffers a difficult pregnancy, and somehow not having enough sex warrants your infidelity? Because you're a grown adult and can't handle the ebbs and flows of LIFE, not just sex, you bail when things become "not fantastic"?

Man, what an asshole. I hate when cheaters try to blame their partners. No dude, YOU decided to cheat. No one made you and don't blame your wife and mother of your children. Scumbag.

Once every two weeks, eh, Dean McDermott? My husband's anxiety and depression means that we haven't done it in 6 months, and before that we were on about a once-every-four-months schedule. And we don't have kids. Go fuck yourself. If you promise to be faithful to someone and work through difficult times, once every

But they want credit for their organizational skills!

Once a guy came up to me in a bar and said, "Usually when I meet girls I just whip it out right away, but for you, girl, I'll throw it over my shoulder." Draw him! (PS: I was a little charmed, not gonna lie.)

There is no less sexy / sensual way I can think of to proposition a woman.

Oh Brian.... you almost had me there, laughing along with the joke, realizing what a douche you just were... but then there you had to go right back to the original douchiness.

I love how well Brian took her reply. It's absurd to get mad because someone called out your BS, Andrew.

Brian redeemed himself slightly by his reaction. She IS quit the talented artist.

"But for real tho wanna get some pipe"

Proof resides in her red carpet photos from this weekend's MTV Movie Awards, left, and last night's The Other Woman, at right.

To be honest, it was sort of a weird episode. It was mainly about a hip hop Dj from Maryland who called her out for "Starships" being super pop (ok, prob true but ..ugh?). Her response was pretty spot on. I thought the DJ came off to sound like a huge blow hard. the episode seemed very cozy with his side of the

Pink wigs. Thick ass. Give 'em longer :(

Very well said. I think also that Minaj didn't want to rely on looks alone and just be another pretty R&B girl. She wanted to freak people out and defy their attempts to categorize her, and she defies them again with this new look. It's very much like Bowie or Madonna. Just when the world thinks they have you pegged,

The most important thing about David Bowie was his ability to consistently re-invent himself — both his music and his persona. From Ziggy Stardust to the Thin White Duke — he created and recreated himself and his music was always changing and staying ahead of the times.

And how do you know that? Were you there? Are you her ex-'wigologist' that suffered so, being fired after over three years of shitty lacefronts and fat paychecks? If the answer to either of those questions is 'no', it is curious that you feel you can dismiss her as a "shitty" person. Whatever.

Well, her wig stylist wouldn't take her dismissal laying down, he sued her. Since we don't know her personally, we can't really judge but I will say the stories I've heard from those who've worked with her aren't great.

It makes me feel so weird when people act surprised that she's pretty "under the makeup" like she was wearing prosthetics or clown makeup or something that actually hides her obvious beauty. It was always apparent to me she was beautiful, regardless of her wigs or whatever. It's like in Not Another Teen Movie when

But I'm taken aback even myself because she's so pretty. … I didn't know all that was underneath is what I'm trying to say.