
I don't really care how my husband loads it, as long as he loads it (hint: he doesn't). He loves to criticize how *I* do it, though. What do you know, he's an engineer :-/

"Je déjà parle français": you might want to check the rules for the placement of adverbs in French...


Nah, I'm going to pass on this one. I get depressed enough each time <a href="…">Beautiful Memories</a> is on on TV (but I still watch, because I can't not to. Also, because Emmanuelle Carré). Also, I miss my grandmother.

(sheepihly raises hand) I have self-harm scars too. They're twenty years old, but still visible. It's scary to think someone would take it as a sufficient proof I'm presently a danger to anyone including myself.

Or perhaps he's only crying wolf because he saw his parents having sex.

Just so you know, people with ADD are often prone to hyperfocusing. I know I am. I can have an unhealthily long attention span when something interests me.

"Mrs. P was a widower" : I'm not a native English speaker, but wouldn't that be "Mrs. P was a widow"?

Hahaha! Back in France, what I called "macaroni and cheese" was macaroni with a small pat of butter and a sprinkling of gruyère on top. I just about died when I saw what you guys call with this name!

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Frankly, I cannot believe it's very frequent that a man truly honestly in his innermost conscience believes that something non-consensual is in fact consensual, and that he can possibly be blissfully unaware that his partner is not actually consenting. If someone served this excuse to me, I would need spectacularly

Hah! I have only one and I sometimes struggle to get him to behave.

Palatino and Baskerville fonts look grey and fuzzy on the Kindle Paperwhite (anyway, they do on mine). Does the higher resolution fix that on the Voyage?

By this standard I should be a mass murderer several times over. I've spent my whole childhood pointing various oblong objects (including toy guns) at other kids while saying "bang band". On another hand, I've spent my whole life without even seeing an actual weapon, let alone holding one. was quite a typical kid in

Dr. Frank-N-Furter. I missed the occasion when my kid was a baby, now he's a preschooler and doesn't want to be anything but a firefighter. A boring, boring firefighter.

Just what I came here to say. There are enough great dishes that don't contain animal products, why bother to serve gross "mock shrimp" or "mock chicken" when there is bean soup, pasta puttanesca or vinegar-based potato salad?

The age of legal consent is 15 in my home country and 16 in a bunch of states. So if my kid had a consensual relationship with an adult, it probably wouldn't freak me out per se. However, I would be super uncomfortable with my kid of whatever age having a relationship with his/her teacher or boss or supervisor, or

I'm kind of an inept cook, but doesn't a pound cake owe its flavour and texture precisely to the shit-ton of butter you put in it? I mean, as far as I'm aware of it, butter is pretty much the POINT of a pound cake. Can't imagine how it would taste with shortening instead.

My 3 yo makes love declarations to his penis in the bath. As in "hello, my little penis, I'm happy to see you! I love you sooo much!". It's really, really hard to keep a straight face when he does that.

I understand your dilemma... I'm in good terms with my husband and we're still together, but it totally freaks him out that I call our 3 yo's penis a penis. My husband himself calls it a pee-pee (which makes me roll my eyes a little, but I don't find it's worth the fight). As our kid is raised bilingual, he firmly