
I assumed GregSamsa’s “he’d’ve converted to Catholicism” was a bit of dark humor and my correction was in the same vein. I dunno, maybe GregSamsa really does believe that child molesters convert to Catholicism because it will enable their crimes, but I doubt it.

Ok. I do keep quiet on this every time it pops up on Jez, but... there is no proof he did anything. If he were a child molester, he would’ve most likely struck several times. He’d’ve converted to Catholicism, rather than railing against the religion for years. Fine: He married into his perversion, so he never needs to

I’ve noticed so many of these “Pregnancy Crisis Centers” popping up around me (SE Michigan). Now that I’m pregz i realllllly wanna go visit one and troll them when they try to spout “facts” at me.

When your first response to “how has your wife changed you” is “well, she gives me a lot of pleasure” ... that is not a healthy dynamic.

A similar situation came to light three years ago when Apple’s problems with its suicide prevention options came to light. After users reported that stating “I want to jump off a bridge” to Siri sometimes led to a list of nearby bridges.

He ruins steaks like he ruins America.

I am a big fan of Rushdie's writing. But I've never kidded myself that he cares very much about women.

This is exactly what I do believe. God loves us so much, he’s provided us with anesthesia, antibiotics, competent surgeons. etc. As it says in the bible (John 10:10)

denying the miraculousness of modern medicine is ludacris.

Just call him Josh.

In their Facebook rant they list all the misfortunes that have happened to them, the latest being their car engine exploded. Props to the FB commenter who suggested they try to fix it with apple cider vinegar.

As an autistic adult, fucking yes this. I would rather be alive and me, with all the problems that brings with it, than dead from meningitis or struggling with PPS.

If maple syrup is the secret of life, I’m going to live forever.

They finally go to the doctor’s when the shit ultimately hits the fan, which proves that on some level they knew they were self-deluding all along.

Baby is healthy! But the hospital staff was rightly pissed.

OMG, thank you. This is ALWAYS my argument. Also, perhaps God allowed the development of contraceptives to come about right at the same time as developments in health care were allowing for longer life expectancies and lowered infant mortality for a reason. (Ok, I don’t actually believe in God but if one does and

Read his Facebook rant. Yikes, talk about a narcissist with a persecution complex. He let his son die willingly and is upset that no one can give him money for it anymore. But its all ok, because he loves the people who don’t agree with letting children die from preventative illnesses anyway, even though he still

If those are “fish lips,” fish are way more kissable than I thought.

Are these the same kind of people that assume that all people in hospitals are like the people on Chicago Hope, and that all crime analysts are like the characters on CSI?