
Frankly, *if* (that’s a big if) Roses’s story is true, the guy deserved worse than to have one french fry thrown at him. You have to be a real piece of work to joke about someone being sober.

We *don’t* have to “choose between polio or autism”. Vaccines. Don’t. Cause. Autism. End of the story. No link whatsoever has ever been found between any vaccine and autism by any serious study ever (did I say ever?). Phooey.

I understand the frustration, but at least she was aware that her kids were in danger and she was seeking medical attention in due time. Not all woonatics do (see case in point). She might not have been beyond redemption.

Human capacity of innovationg and conceptualizing, which allowed for these progresses, is miraculous.

Now playing

A fruit salad? I always peel oranges “à vif” for this use (ie, removing the white membrane entirely; sorry I have no idea how to say that in English )

“It’s like making a children’s book about any of the times there was a ceasefire in a war because it was Christmas or whatever.”: that’s kind of the point to me. The truce of Christmas 1914 would not make a good children’s book because kids, thankfully, would be unaware of just how senselessly destructive and

Intersting tidbit, but of little interest IRL ( since Hershey’s chocolate is consistently horrible and Lindt’s is generally fine).

Both of mine were. Probably worse.

Same. I’m all in favor of extended parental leave, but I don’t see this being caused by its absence here. Leaving your child at a daycare can be a perfectly valid choice even if a parental leave does exist, and in a huge majority of cases doesn’t result in any harm for the child.

Waiting to see you so detached when it happens in your home country.

Possibly the Austrian law requires a portion of your possessions to be left to your next of kin? I have no idea about Austrian law, but French law theoretically prohibits disinheriting your children or spouse .

I’ve been asked too, and felt grateful they asked (though I did feel safe at home and didn’t need any assistance). I think the only “wrong” time to ask is if the partner is within earshot. Also, I’m wild guessing protecting her newborn might be a potent motivation for a woman to leave her abuser, and she might be more

“Little girl”? The kid is 17-18. Absolutely sickening otherwise of course. This kind of violence has no place at school — or anywhere else for that matter. The only occurrence where this degree of violence would have been appropriate would have been if the student had been armed and actively trying to injure someone.

You must be related to my husband.

When my son was a newborn, I used to nickname him Audrey II (“feeeeed me!”)

“My women”? I don’t know, I don’t personally own any woman.

Wow, it really reassures me that you’re affirming you’re not racist. I almost believed you were.

Word. same-sex marriage wasn’t even legal everywhere in the US yet when this happened. These darn homophobic French people.

I can’t make sense of the sandwich story. Apparently it was made with baguette. You can’t just flip a baguette sandwich around and expect it to look fine since baguette has a top and a bottom (and don’t you dare put a baguette upside down on a French table, a lot of people feel strongly about it). I tried to imagine a

Nah. His movies don’t suck at all. His movies are pretty darn awesome, even if he’s a sorry individual himself. I always watch and re-watch them with great pleasure.