
Sure. Because if he had assaulted someone, he would necessarily have told you. Anyway, he can't possibly have assaulted anyone, because he's funny and witty.

I don't understand why the mother tried to hide the daughter's pregnancy to her husband. Unless said husband was a religious nut — or any other kind of nut— and was likely to physically harm their daughter, there is no justification hiding such a crucial piece of information to your spouse. He would have been "upset"?

Did you smoke during your pregnancy? How many packs a day?": whoa, this is an incredibly shitty thing to ask to a "newly bereaved mother". Is there any valid reason to ask this question?

1- that's awesome 2- I'm always amazed with the ability of North-Americans (I presume) to make inspiring speeches on the spot. If my son were to come out to me one day, I guess my reaction would be along the lines of "um, okay, that's noted. Thanks for the update".

Somehow, I doubt this guy gives a flying fuck to your opinion. Just an impression.

It reminds me of an article I read some time ago (I think it was in the NYT but I'm not sure). The gist was that sometimes a therapist has to accept that a mental health patient is *also* just an asshole, and that even after the symptoms have been eased they'll still be as much of an asshole because it's completely

Born and raised in France, here. I've never seen this spelling in my life.

How about hyphenation? Possibility to sideload your own favorite fonts like on a Kobo? Possibility to modify the justification and the margin width like on a Kobo? Epub support? Physical buttons?

No idea what you had (presumably sardines) but by association I now really really want fried smelts. I used to love them with a passion as a kid, and I just realized I haven't had them in literally decades.

If it tastes like chopped liver, it's really, really, REALLY crappy foie gras. Foie gras: you're doing it wrong.

The porterhouse steak one amused me, because had I not already known what it is, the description would have confused the heck out of me. See, in French (my first language), "un filet-mignon" is a pork tenderloin. Coupled with the mention of a T-bone, it wouldn't have made any sense to me. Reminded me of a commenter in

"Seem afraid to fly"? How do you avoid appearing to be afraid to fly when you're, well, afraid to fly (or terrified, as is my case)? I feel that it's an accomplishment enough on my part to be in this flying metal tube of doom without screaming, crying or shitting my pants, I don't give a flying fuck if my "seeming

I have a really thick foreign (not regional) accent, and talk about not being taken seriously. A whole lot of people just assume I'm stupid because my English is strongly accented and sometimes faulty, and act really rude. It annoys me like hell. And I can't seem to be able to make my accent less prominent BECAUSE I

Aaand this non-native English speaker just learned that "giblets" is pronounced with a soft g. How embarrassing (trying to remember if I have ever said the word giblets out loud before, ... nope, don't think so).

What I would like to know is, why am I not able to hear my own accent when I speak English (it isn't my first language and I have an insanely thick accent) but I hear it — and am horrified with it — in recordings of my own voice?

The operating word is "again". Once you're hooked, you're hooked for life. I quit ten years ago but I could be back to 40+ a day in a week from now if I was silly enough to light one up "just to see".

IQ is strongly correlated to genetics (between 0.7 and 0.8 in adulthood). But of course it measures only one very specific form of intelligence.

Same problem. I look like an apple on toothpicks, and finding pants that fit is a major PIA.

Hahaha, I can totally see my husband doing that (knowing tempura but not cauliflower, *not* being condescending to a waiter). He's been living in a variety of countries, meaning he has at least a passing knowledge of foreign dishes and methods of preparation from various origins, but he's incredibly clueless when it