
I still think people are ignoring the fact that Kamala Harris polls slightly better than Trump (or “not as badly” as Trump) and can run on all of Biden’s achievements, essentially a pseudo-incumbent. She also instantly turns Trump into the only old white man candidate. Not saying she doesn’t have her own

It’s even more hilarious when you remember that four years ago, Trump had that incumbency advantage and lost. But despite losing, he went on to win his party’s nomination for this year’s election. I have no idea how many times that has happened, but if we’re using history like a cheat sheet, I know it happened to

I always find it kind of hilarious when people use presidential elections as a valid sample size for anything. Every single election for the past quarter century has had highly educated and respected pundits confidently asserting that X would happen, and then being dead wrong.

That sounds impressive, but that’s only 25 elections. So it’s happened 20% of the time. The percentage goes up once you start factoring in that not all of those elections were against a sitting president. That drops it down to 15(I think?) and about a 1 in 3 shot. It’s such a limited sample that the advantage feels

One side’s narrative is what actually happened, and another side’s narrative is designed for a very specific purpose. Both sides are not the same.

The idea that Biden will automatically beat Trump because he beat Trump before is a logical fallacy that ignores his current polling numbers, approval ratings, and the growing concern about his age among voters.

He absolutely wouldn’t, and I simply don’t understand anyone who, with all the evidence we have, still fosters the delusional belief that there’s a shred of decency anywhere in his body.

Since 1924, only five political candidates have ousted a sitting president - Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter*, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden. The idea that Democrats should give up the massive advantage of having an incumbent (who already beat the challenger in a prior election) is terrible politics.

It does not matter what “side” he was on.

Netflix can suck my d***, Tubi on the other hand, I happily let spit in my mouth.

He’s never, ever drawn a line anywhere else.  I don’t know why he would draw it there.

“Joe, God Rest his soul, was a bad man. I mean he didn’t deserve to get shot but, really, is it much of a loss? If it were me, I would had ducked. Ducking is good. But old Joe couldn’t duck and now he’s dead. A real shame.”

“But what I am saying is that, were the sitting president murdered, even Trump would probably hold off on such rhetoric.”

A lot of people seem to be missing the point that this shooting was an example of right-on-right violence. The shooter wasn’t old enough to have voted in a presidential election before, but he was a registered Republican. Any rightwinger claiming that they are under attack from outside forces is lying. The shots are

“It’s a very sad day, a very sad day, we had an assassination and it’s very sad. But you gotta think a little bit that he deserved it, right? A little bit you have to think that...but very sad, very sad.”

To wit, he acted offended that he wasn’t invited to John McCain’s funeral and remarked, “We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral.”

It’s fucking insane!  Like in what world is anyone pretending that Dem rhetoric is what got us here?  He’s being called a threat to democracy because he has literally said that he wants to have absolute power. He literally wants to end democracy.  It’s not rhetoric to call a spade a spade.  

Legit. He’d have absolutely nothing kind or peaceful or “violence has no place in politics” if this attempt had been on Biden. So I don’t know why we’re breaking our backs to be “the bigger person” here. I’m not saying I want anybody to die, but I’m not gonna pretend I’m shocked and appalled or all that heartbroken eit

Myers has the best quote I’ve heard from anyone on the topic to date!

I doubt it, this is the guy whose first instinct when asked to comment on 9/11 was to brag about how his was now the tallest building. Factor in 20 years of cognitive decline and enablement today and nothing would surprise me