I literally cannot read or hear his name without this sketch playing out in its entirety in my head right afterwards.
I literally cannot read or hear his name without this sketch playing out in its entirety in my head right afterwards.
Sounds like the Lonely Island piece is what put him over the top. The rest of the cast and writers are exhausted on Wednesday after the table read but at least they get some rest. LI then had to do a second job with the same timing expectations. That does sound nearly impossible to keep up with.
i think the difference is samberg also had to juggle a hot new career while working on snl. kenan seems to be quite happy with snl being the primary gig, and occasionally dipping his toes in a sitcom or something.
Tina Fey just laid it all out in an interview with Conan O’Brien. “It’s a schedule built around cocaine. Then the Seventies end. As far as I knew, nobody was doing cocaine when I was on the show, but they still kept the schedule.”
All this success, and yet getting Joanna Newsom to marry him is definitely his greatest accomplishment.
I’m glad Elf comes from the era of the 90-minute comedy; if this had been stretched to bloated two-hours-plus Judd Apatow length, I think Buddy would become impossible to tolerate.
Looking over his IMDB, it looks like he has a pretty terrible track record outside of SNL/sketch comedy. If he’s ever gonna leave, dude needs a better agent...
Considering he was on All That as a child, it might just be in his nature at this point. It’s all he’s ever known
Makes me wonder how Kenan has been able to do it as well as he has for over two decades. It’s not like he’s been hanging back or coasting - dude is still bringing it in practically every other sketch every week. And as far as I can tell he hasn’t resorted to being a heavy drug user or toxic personality, and has no…
Have to say this doesn’t surprise me in the least.
Yep. SNL requires one to REALLY love the grind, a hardcore cocaine addiction, or both.
I also assume it made him available for B99, so again, the right choice.
If he never left, we would never get Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, so he made the right choice
They didn’t really get going until 1927, and worked regularly as a team until the early 1950s. Everything up to 1929-ish is in the public domain now, but that’s not even close to “most of” their work.
Think I heard the defense say SAG rules don’t require an actor to check a gun, which runs contrary to everything I’d heard in this case up to now.
There was a ruling that he is being charged for his actions as an actor and not a producer so it makes the prosecution’s case that much harder to prove.
the prosecution’s major problem is that the original gun used on the Rust set was irreparably damaged by investigators, an issue that seemed to lead to charges against Baldwin being dropped back in April 2023. Now, Johnson said that the gun was only damaged because the FBI approved an accidental discharge test, one…
The thing I’ve always wanted to know, and never seems to get brought up, is whether he’s being charged as the person who fired the gun, or as the film’s producer who had legal responsibility. Because those are two VERY different defenses, and one is a lot more likely to work than the other.
But Wilson had established boundaries, like the no nudity clause in her contract.