
I was about to make a joke about going back to Engadget, but it never recovered after they traded hands. Filler content. Ars Technica is still doing good work, though. Plus, the authors are engaged.

The greatest app of all time was lotus 123. It changed the game for everyone. Because we are talking all time, right?

It’s pretty clear that there are no actual humans involved in the process of cranking these things out. I opened one out of boredom, saw the Evernote screwup and tried to help flag the issue a few times in followup posts, but they’re never going to see these comments or fix the mistake.

I’d suggest that said “heel turn” in GvK was really only from a certain point of view. He was always after the right villain, in this case the corpo-scum of Apex Cybernetics, and it just took a bit of time for everyone else to figure out where to stand.

I’m honestly surprised that Toho let Godzilla go all Super Saiyan in this movie. The question becomes whether it will be a temporary or permanent change to the MonsterVerse version of the character (I hope it’s temporary because his revised dorsal spines look terrible).

Nah, I can definitely empathize with Godzilla, I can definitely understand being grouchy and wanting people to leave you the hell alone so you can sleep. Sounds like pro-mammal bias to me, but at least I have to give Wingard credit for not actually having Kong stand a chance against him last time around.

The only reason Kong is going to be a “star” in this one is because presumably he’s not fighting Godzilla, who handed his ass to him the entirety of the last movie.

You made a strong counterargument, earning your star.

Arguably, the people pushing the slide shows on us and the authors aren’t quite human.

But humans invented slideshows, so it’s debatable

Just FYI for the higher-ups: if I click on an article and it’s one of these slideshows, I back right out again.

Even smart people can be overpowered by their teenage hormones. Imagine being praised all the time for how amazingly smart you are for years, and then suddenly you’re told you can’t do a very basic job. And you’re a teen.

I’ve read he takes really good care of himself health-wise - working out, eating well (I think he is or was vegan at one point?). Good for him. On the flip side, Bill Murray has looked 70 years old for the last decade or two. In my mind he’s just always been/looked old.

Real brief:
When I walked out of the theater, I thought, “That was pretty fun but not much more.” Usually, when I have that thought, I forget about the movie pretty quick. But in the case of FE, I find myself liking it more and more, the more I think about it. It really grabbed the part of my attention that the

I was sure he was at least five years younger than Dan Aykroyd (71) or Bill Murray (73). Nope! He’s 78. I guess like what they said in afterlife, “what didn’t happen in 1945"?

I’m glad to hear from this thread. The troll-cels on the AV thread had me worried.

I thought it was a lot of fun. It had a great energy throughout and was very entertaining. It did have maybe a little too much going on, but I appreciate its ambition. Reviewers who are giving a low score are sticks in the mud.

Won’t lie ... I was thoroughly entertained 

I really enjoyed it, flaws and all- The climax at the firehouse is too small, we were promised an army of ghosts and all we got was one big ghost- would have been better with smaller GB teams out in NYC fighting the ghost army as well as the big bad at the firehouse.. We had like 12 ghostbusters in a room. TOO MANY!

Better than Afterlife by virtue of the fact it feels like an actual sequel and not solely a hollow nostalgia mine - though it does have intermittent doses of that. It’s definitely got problems, most notably the overabundance of characters and plotlines, but I had fun just watching a ghost busting mystery unravel.