
Yeah, that’s really true. The joke lands harder for people who are comic fans, so like you said: easy layup.

Well, it was supposed to be “Do you know what happens when a toad ____” over and over, which ends Storm reversing it on him, but yeah. Repetition would not have made that dumb joke suddenly sing.

It will always crack me up that the only two holdovers from Joss Whedon’s earlier script he wrote are the absolute worst line in the film... and the absolute best:

Well, in THAT case, I take it all back! I am now very excited for this story!

This is my all-time favorite movie. Even more than the three trilogies that my username takes inspiration from. Amelie is like a pick-me-up for the soul.

Ooh, good catch! It wouldn’t be a proper Alien-related thingy without some excellent use of graphic design.

That’s because Warren Ellis gets what makes an Alien story spicy: you’ve got to believe they will turn characters you’re invested in into dead meat. And since things like The Authority are already on the cynical end of the storytelling spectrum where it’s not too precious about its roster’s mortality rate, it can make

Huh, you got all that insight on how I feel about superhero stories from one post? That’s some fictional movie detective-level perception, mate ;P

Now THAT would be fun.

Yeah, you’ve touched on my biggest problem with “Aliens vs Superheroes,” especially when it’s a superhero team, which is that there’s no stakes: you know they’re not going to kill off any of the precious (marketable) Avengers members, so it effectively defangs the aliens as a threat. Plus, in order to exist, some

Hey, now. After everyone mistakenly thought he once said “We’re blessed to have Trump as our president,” I don’t think Kevin Bacon would appreciate being further associated with all of Trump’s sycophants.

It’s like the worst con man who found a megaphone to catch the dumbest marks.

Who knows. Maybe they have another role lined up for her instead now?

Yeah, looks like that imperative to find myself a new site for sci-fi/fantasy media news with a healthy message board has now become definitive.

That would be a good pick, but we’re talking about a website that didn’t even bother to recognize that Spotify won over Evernote in the bracket, not even when Evernote subsequently proceeded to lose to the flashlight app.

This is pretty much exactly what I loved about it: it felt like the first Ghostbusters followup to not be trying to be the original film, but instead follow in the footsteps of the cartoon. It actually was trying to explore new ground instead of putting on the “Please like us as much as the original!” fanfare.

Well, at least the people the day of the bracket noticed what the writers haven’t.

Catching up after not paying attention for a weekend and... let me get this straight:

It is a deeply French film, to the point that one could reasonably look at it as possessing qualities that are a satire of American action sci-fi movies, rather than a sincere attempt to replicate them. I mean, just look at how the soldiers posted outside of the lab at the beginning are pointing their at-rest rifles

Now playing

I’m just glad we’re not doing the suddenly slow motion Matrix-style shot of them jumping like in the first AvP.