
That was terrible.

(Throws the monkey paw I used at your head) And I have no regrets!

I remember I had all these symbols as an icon set for my computer a decade ago. How I love the graphic design here.

I dunno, swap Alien 3 and Aliens’ spots and on any given day, that would probably be my ranking.

Hey, uh... anyone going to fix the bracket, seeing that Evernote did not beat Spotify?

Color me... cautiously optimistic.

Yeah, I wasn’t particularly thrilled about that, either. I suppose still a step up from who we had last, but it still felt like a step backward.

Yeah, that’s why it seemed like a slam dunk to have him showrun... only to show that, no, he’s better when he’s supplied his ideas to someone else rather than getting full reign. Like many talented creatives, really.

Yeah, I could definitely buy it being both. Unfortunately.

Well, that’s suspicious and weird. What’s the point in getting somewhat casually invested in this thing if the votes don’t actually matter.

Wait, Evernote beat Spotify? I would not have guessed that. (But considering I use Evernote almost as much as I use Spotify, I definitely respect the win)

Holy shit, Evernote won!? Respect.

Steven Moffat is returning to Doctor Who...

Now playing

And never was he better than when he sang a whole song about getting totally shitfaced!

Look, I have read anything beyond the headline, but I think we can all agree that there will never be a time when a Godzilla movie isn’t at least worth trying to make, no matter how it turns out. Godzilla is eternal at this point.

But this Snyder goes up to 11!

I’m sure it will rhyme with “Way, the smeck cheered.”

Wait, Christopher Lee wrote a Japanese comic book called Scara? And here I thought his being part of a heavy metal band in his 90's was the most unexpectedly cool nerdy thing he ever did...