
Don’t forget pancaking on white makeup powder! How can you possible expect to empathize with the stylized agony of this resurrected rock singer, nor feel the exquisite darkness of revenge, if your skin doesn’t bounce off more light rays than an ivory plate painted with milk?

Yeah, that is a really good point. And in that case, it was good ‘ol Martin Campbell, responsible for excellent action vehicles like GoldenEye, The Mask of Zorro, and Casino Royale (really had a knack for putting new James Bond actors’ best foots forward, didn’t he?), so the turnaround to thinking he must be a hack

This comment really does deserve to have more stars. How quick people are to toss the director of Monster under the bus after one bad movie.

Sure, there’s plenty of new movies, like Poor Things, or Nimona, or Dream Scenario, or No One Will Save You, or The Creator, or—

Sadlly, it will never not be too soon. Sentiment is funny like that.

As someone who disagrees with your assessment and feels the movie is very soulful and resonant... I still want to express my approval for you offering your opinion civilly. There’s too many folk on the net who think that disagreement should automatically equal intellectual combat, and it always heartens me to see

Oh, FFS.

So does that mean we’re counting his deleted scenes for T2 to arrive at that conclusion?

Farewell, Evernote. I use the shit out of you, but alas, I use the shit out of Spotify even more.

If it makes you feel any better, I also thought he had won back in ‘93 until very recently, too.

That’s fair, and I probably should have elaborated on what about their involvement tempers my expectations: I have no doubts that the first season, probably even the first several seasons, will be great.

Wait, Benioff and Weis are behind this? Welp, that tempers my expectations by a lot.

Yeah, I love those movies to death and without a doubt hold them as artistically and culturally significant for very good reason, but... no way would either one not feel completely out of place rubbing elbows with such Best Picture nominees as The Deer Hunter and Midnight Express, or The English Patient and Fargo,

The final two are definitely going to be Youtube and Spotify, right?

Not a single comment on this thing? C’mon, people. Everyone complains this site doesn’t “feel like the old io9,” and yet exposing us to new shorts by iconic directors is exactly the sort of stuff that made “old io9" have much of its personality.

That’s exactly what Jimmy was saying!

And don’t even get me started on Drew Barrymore.

First thing I didn’t know about them was that they existed. Second thing I’m still not convinced on if I know is whether or not they’re just a human mime wearing a suit.

It really has. I genuinely am excited any time a movie is coming up and I see that he’s in it.