
Yeah, just the amount of gravitas he gave when talking about witnessing a miracle... I think I can measure it down to that single line reading when I suddenly realized “Oh. Bautista is, like... an actor’s actor. Good for him!”

Man, Dave Bautista has absolutely surprised me with how well he can give a nuanced, thoughtful performance. He’s the first wrestler-turned-film actor that it wouldn’t gobsmack me to see win an Oscar.

Man, the fact that comments like yours are coming out of the woodwork is reminding me why I grew to love coming to this site. I expected that I might get a bunch of naysayers, but instead I’ve gotten pretty much unanimously thoughtful responses and I couldn’t be more proud.

Yeah, it’s a fair point that people not grasping its satire is frustrating as hell. In a way, though, that’s why I wish its satire was more consistent. I feel like it’s less that the movie doesn’t drip with satire (those adverts are pretty over the top), but that it feels to me like the satire is inconsistent.

Yeah, watching the film now, it is incredibly dispiriting how much many of the aspects of it that may (or may not) have been intentionally satire have been unironically adopted by large portions of society without a shred of self-awareness.

Hey, luckily for you, I do like to go through the greys and check comments! Especially for thoughtful comments like yours.

I will forever die on the hill that this movie is not nearly as satirical as people think it is.

I will forever die on the hill that this movie is not nearly as satirical as people think it is (I get the sense that much like Showgirls, the bad acting was not, in fact, meant to be part of the satire). This is a shame, because being even more pointedly satirical would have made it a better movie.

If someone really wanted to give him material that fit his sensibilities, then they should task him with turning Stephen King’s short story “The Jaunt” into a feature-length film.

Yeah, as I recall, James Cameron was pretty pissed about the trailers spoiling the switch.

Speaking as a father to a 15 year-old zoomer, you are not wrong.

Hey, it was a TV movie, but don’t forget Generation X.

Just in terms of editing, Catwoman gets my vote. There are times where the movie feels like they just spliced it together using whatever order the film stock fell into after feeding it through a paper shredder.

So happy to hear someone give that underrated Dora the Explorer movie the props it deserves. It had no business being as good as it was, and I heartily laughed throughout its whole runtime.

Can one of those new faces be a better cinematographer? One who doesn’t hate color? And good lighting?

Great use of the rule of three for comedy. I chortled.

SERIOUSLY. That show was a delight.

You’re foolin’ yourself! We’re living in a carnivorous dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working, therapod class are at the mercy of tiny-armed sharp-tooths...

Hey, that’s my favorite dinosaur, too! Carnotaurus fans unite!

...and was a cheating bitch! (pours liquor into it)