
Hey, good news is still good news.

Yeah, even before I saw the rest of your comment, your first line caused me to make that exact same realization.

Don’t know if it will make it that far, but now I’m actually pulling for it to dethrone at least one of the Avatar films from their spot.


Hey, I’m here for it. Just listened to the audiobooks for Dune and Dune Messiah last month, and I can’t wait to see what Villeneuve does for the next two films.

That’s too bad. I hate when genuine talent gets sidelined by mediocrity. Ah, well. Maybe this movie will get the “it’s been twenty years, and Blue Beetle is a masterpiece, actually” reevaluation sometime down the line.

...or candy!

Yeah, this is pretty much EXACTLY what the previews made it look like. Just a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.

Oh, good, I’m not the only one whose “wanted to see” and “haven’t yet gotten around to seeing” ratio is totally out of whack this summer.

Glad to know that the nails in the coffin of cryptocurrency remain secure (for now).

Yeah, honestly, Disney+ ruining Disney is kind of a microcosm for how streaming has ruined the entire film and television industry. Everything has mostly turned into middle of the road content for the sake of making content. Got to constantly lure those new subscribers, after all.

Having been through several such awful jobs myself, I can commiserate.

Yeah, in hindsight the Dark Universe crumbling before it even started really dodged a bullet in not giving Depp additional work.

Truly the Dark Universe is a warning to all about the hubris of franchise-building (one that you’d think would go better-heeded).

Oh, phew. I thought I was the only one.

Truly that would be a dark universe, indeed. ;P

Just a logo on a business card, huh? Well, obviously you didn’t see the truly exciting photo shoot forecasting a bright future for this G.I. Joe/Transformers crossover:

Sadly, that seems to be exactly what MAGAts want. “Taking you out with me” is practically their platonic ideal.

How delicious.

Hey, FYI, it’s spelled “canon,” as in “a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine,” not “cannon,” which is just a metal cylinder that goes boom.