
Yeah, it’s been a good run, really. Of all the good things to potentially run its course, the MCU is definitely one with a lot less wasted potential than others.

Okay, fine.

Maybe it’s because, superpowers and fictional assassins or no, the physics of a high-speed moving train just don’t work like that?

Apparently, they realized that the only viable method was showing Fireflies first, because Totoro would serve as a comforting balm after being emotionally wrecked.

...and yet, not taking it still killed them. Go figure.

Which means that if there is a God, not even He wanted Trump to win again.

We’re now 30 years past the debut of Beverly Hills 90210, but we’re still feeling its effects in pop culture to this day.


I am very glad my scale could be of service to you! (And I love a good thread resurrection. My condolences for your loss)

Too right. And I think that’s why it’s too easy to over-estimate his age.

I want to be more excited about this (Blue Beetle was consistently a character I enjoyed from Batman: Brave & the Bold), but I dunno, it just feels like... leftovers from Spider-Man: Homecoming? And honestly just Spider-Man in general.

It’s funny, just like you, I cringe every time I hear this thing now (the turning point for me was the absolute awful way it was implemented all the way back in Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes), and generally if it appears in anything that is not a Lucasfilm joint, I’ll audibly groan.

Look, all I want to know is when am I going to get my HD remaster of Robocop vs. Terminator for the Sega Genesis, dammit.

*Make that three of us.


You know? This sounds about right, actually.

Maybe we’ll finally get the Clock Tower movie that’s been in development hell since the 2000's? (You know, the one they made those really swank teaser posters for that one time)

I think you hit the nail right on the head. It’s apathy. People just don’t care in general, and considering how much of a snake eating its own tail most IP has turned to, can you blame them?

Luckily, a lot of us commentators will look at the pending comments, and when they’re thoughtful and in good-faith like yours? That comment’ll likely get ungreyed.