
Does that time when they released First Cow, then Pig, then Lamb within a year of each other count?

While we’re asking the important questions...

Thank you! Let’s spread the word. This needs to be manifested into the universe before it’s too late.

Ohhhhhhhhhh! (Slaps forehead)

I think the Republican Kool-Aid has just as much to do with the aging process, tbh.

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Yep. We’re soon reaching the age where we can’t blame the boomers anymore, because we’ll be the ones running the show (and still screwing things up).

Man, I wish someone would take another crack at the Dresden Files and cast Tom Ellis as Harry Dresden.

it is incredibly on brand for boomers broadly and the gop specifically

Well, I feel like a dum dumb. What am I missing?

Underrated film, I tell ya.

The sad thing I’m learning lately when it comes to any part of pop culture that existed before the rise of our post-Web 2.0 culture, is that if it was either (A) popular amongst the adult (re: non-web-using) crowd, or (b) something that was mildly popular at the time, but not popular enough to generate sequels and/or

100% agree. If anything, Rick and Evie’s banter in Returns is even better because there’s no worry about whether those are going to spontaneously stop being a couple. (Poor Mario Bello. Homegirl is an amazing actress, but she got a bum deal replacing Rachel Weisz in the third movie. The chemistry just wasn’t the same)

I absolutely agree. It’s really tiresome how often screenwriters don’t know how to make a stable relationship be interesting, so they just resort to pushing the “break up/get back together” button. It’s as lazy as it is everywhere.

Just because one iconic character is, himself, an imitator, doesn’t mean that he can’t be successful enough to spawn even more imitators (who may or may not even know the original crop exists).

It’s also the movie where even Dwayne Johnson himself looks tired at his own schtick. Dude’s mind looks like it’s a bajillion miles away from any given scene he’s filming.

The literary Quatermain, sure. But the movies starring Richard Chamberlain and Sharon Stone didn’t happen until after the success of the Indiana Jones films made movie execs go “Hey, what do we got that could compete with that?”

...huh. Never thought about that before, but you know? I think you’re completely spot on. Even starts with an archaeological excavation and everything!

I’ll see you that, and raise you one Relic Hunter.

That’s an astute observation, but if it were truly the case, then I think both The Goonies and National Treasure would be disqualified (just off the top of my head. Can’t be bothered to re-look at the slides). They also hew to that same “we’re slightly more cinematic version of average realism” dynamic.