
Huh. You’re right. You didn’t specifically use the term “streak.” I guess my brain just assumed it, since the list of movies you provided did, in fact, show that Disney had a streak of movies from 2012-2016 that were pretty much all all-timers in some way shape or form.

...mainline Disney alone had a major creative resurgence with the likes of Wreck-It-Ralph, Frozen, Big Hero 6, Zootopia, and Moana.

I’ve also said before that I think that’s an excellent idea, but once again: that’s a great idea.

It’s especially lazy because none of the slides have any additional text writeup. Like, at all.

Eh, no need to apologize. It happens. I was mostly just idly wondering rather than actually put out. The extra salt I put on my snarky commentary was meant for a laugh more than anything.

Oh, I get what you’re saying now. I misunderstood the comment as “This is D&D stuff, so it doesn’t have to abide by English language rules” or something like that, not “D&D is the generally-accepted abbreviation over DnD.”

“You wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts.” (orders Peanut M&M’s at the theater counter)

...Which was written in the English language, and is thus subject to its semantic rules.

Also, isn’t it supposed to be “a hulking orc” instead of “an hulking orc”? I thought we’d all finally joined hands and agreed that the hard H should be treated like a consonant, not a vowel. Did I just imagine that?

Weirdly, the last few years he seems like he’s been making a concerted effort to be comparatively chipper compared to his historically grumpy self. Maybe he’s finally on anti-depressants, or something?

You are describing my daughter to a “T” right now. She’s loved all of the Barbie movies/web-series, etc. since she was about 3, but now as an 11 year-old, every trailer she’s seen for this upcoming movie has her scratching her head.

You know it’s sad when I literally have the guy as my profile pic, yet I still can’t bring myself to get excited for another Batman movie.

Not being a UFC guy, I’d never heard of Martyn Ford, but dear god is he massive. If his acting chops are even half of what his physique is, he should make a fine Shao Kahn.

Shut. UP.

Oh, totally agree. The whole bunch is spoiled now, but trying to getting the boneheads to understand that...

It’s amazing how many of our common maxims have been shortened over time, and in so doing, have had their original intentions completely flipped on their head.

If you were a devoted gamer in the ‘80s, somewhere burned in your brain is the Capcom splash screen, with its descending synth chime sound that welcomed you to classic games like Street Fighter II and Mega Man...

Yeah, a fair assessment.