
(salutes back)

Yeah, Cars 3 was a (mundane) weird pivot after the series had already done a(n outrageous) weird pivot. I didn’t hate it, but I can definitely understand the hate.

I daresay we do know our shit, yes! In fact, I think that deserves a salute.

I appear to be in the minority, but I think The Good Dinosaur is flat-out just Pixar’s worst movie, sans any qualifier.

Go away, fake Lizardo.

Yeah, another fella brought that up, too, and you’re both 100% correct: that is absolutely an exception to the rule. That movie was aces.

Oh, damn! You’re right. I can’t believe I forgot about that one. Excellent point. Definitely an exception to the rule.

I would include “rises,” yes, which means I would include The Dark Knight Rises in my assessment. In fact, that movie is what caused me to say “temper you expectations” rather than “movie that sucks.”

Oh, that’s encouraging. Because Rising Pipes: Showers of Gold (don’t know why they skipped out on the numeral on that one) was huge case of navel-gazing and little else. Not enough bang for my buck.

Serious question: is there any movie with “Rise” in the title that isn’t a “temper your expectations”-quality movie, at best?

You know, maybe using a Chatbot can be useful... in showing what bland elements to avoid when making a video.

That would be a PERFECT fit for him. Hell, Sucker Punch feels like it has at least one foot in that style already.

Yeah, that was my read, too. That they were enjoying themselves so much, they weren’t thinking “Is this all actually gelling together?”

As a policy, I think this is a wonderful idea, and a code of practice that demands to become standard.

Holy crap. 14!? I am in awe and disbelief.

This movie was so good. Like, holy shit.

Yeah, I haven’t felt this much anticipation for a follow-up since The Lord of the Rings made me wait a single interminable year between installments. I want it NOW, dammit! lol

I agree with both of these points.

Italian Spider-Man, or bust.

Every Gizmodo slideshow keeps telling me how I’m supposed to click through something like 57 freaking slides.