
...and considering how FREAKING GOOD Across the Spider-Verse is, I anticipate Beyond the Spider-Verse to straight-up shatter box office records next year due to the same dynamic.

I... think that account is meant to be satire? I don’t know. The real thing is so outlandish, satirizing it is nigh impossible. You can’t even tell anymore.

That’s a really funny nickname for that.

Good question. Maybe we should ask Tobey Maguire?

Lol. Fair.

See, it’s these little personal reflections on how a particular movie didn’t just effect a person, but affected them, too, that I find very gratifying to find in any given comments section. Thanks for sharing, man.

If Indian Jones hadn’t gotten involved, Marion would surely be dead.

1.5 - Also, if the Toht and his goons had managed to find Marion on their own, she almost certainly would have been dead.

I agree— very much so, in fact. Especially when it comes to things where ambivalence and negligence leads to the “invisibles” of the world to suffer and it’s compounded by the fact that nobody cares because no one bothers to look outside their own bubble. The things happening to them may not affect you personally, but

Hey, Alliterator? As someone who’s long appreciated your presence on this site, truly holds you in high esteem, and also thinks it’s a pretty weird to exclusively only watch things that have been released within the last twelve months, your comments still feel... a little unnecessarily harsh?


Your opinion of the first three matches mine completely, and I also was not expecting much out of JW4.

Rolling on the river in the sky.

Well, nothing makes garbage look appealing more than the immediate alternative being shit, I suppose. There needs to be more good mermaid/sea monster maiden movies.

This looks way more appealing to me than another soulless Disney remake cash-grab.

Yeah, really surprised that wasn’t on the list.

Yes! Thank you. And you’re right. Already your grading looks much, much better. It’s a bit on the red side, but at least that looks more natural. It doesn’t have that ugly, unnatural grey wash over everything like someone turned the contrast dial down because they didn’t know any better.

Like John Wick himself, your comment does not miss.

SERIOUSLY. It’s ridiculous how much of a snooze the musical numbers in these remakes are. With all our modern technology, you’d think they’d know how to make things pop in a way they never could before.

As a professional video editor, the atrocious color grading on most of these shots makes my eye twitch. Why the hell do 3/4 of the shots from this movie look like the raw footage from a Black Magic camera, pre-color correction?