
Congrats. You passed. Your certificate is in the mail.

Who even knows at this point? For all we know, the “Nick Fury” we’re seeing in this series isn’t even the actual Fury, but just Talos wearing his face to keep up appearances while the real one is still up in space as seen in The Marvels.

Oh, I would bet it’s Cruise. Both because (1) he’s always been a bigger star/box office draw than Reeves, and (2) Reeves seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t care about endlessly growing, monetarily-speaking. He’d rather have the rest of crew paid well than set some kind of record in star pay.

It’s so stark going back to an article from, say, 2015 and seeing hundreds of comments. The comments section hasn’t been robust like that in so long, it seems.

This is why I’ve gone pretty much cold-turkey on any app that isn’t Discord, because I just use that as a message board to hang out with the friends I’d want to text with anyway.

Well, with Dean Devlin saying “It was gonna be like Rocky III,” I’m now picturing that it was going to be a build-up to a boxing match between Will Smith’s Hiller character and a roided-out version of one of the aliens. Oh, and a montage of Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum training on the beach, complete with Epic Bro-Hug.

I said before that Winona Ryder damn well better be in this, and now that I know that she is, I’m all in, too.

There’s also a possibility that this is a flashback and they’re going to digitally de-age her, or something.


You and I in the same boat, my dude.


Actually hiring a directing/production team that knows how to both (1) have fun with the concept and (2) make a good movie is definitely a step in the right direction.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to read some graphic novels published by Detective Comics Comics.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that was Lorde at first.

And I think of that other Rob Zombie song from the House of 1,ooo Corpses soundtrack.

Me, too! I’m more than happy to fall on the sword of perfidy if it at least results in a funny and/or charming anecdote. :)

I will gladly admit to my post basically amounting to fear-mongering. I wrote it from a fearful state of mind, after all. I did try to temper it at the end by asking for others to correct me if I was off-base, but yeah: mostly just a Chicken Little “Sky is falling” tirade. Guilty as charged.


Uh huh, yeah, that’s cool and all— WINONA RYDER BETTER BE IN THIS DAMMIT ;)

Damn! That’s some dirty toilet play. If true... they nasty!