
Goddammit! XD

Well, silver lining to this gaffe: your response is wholesome and affirming. Thanks for the positive internet interaction. Those are rare, so I feel much obliged. 😊

(Realizes reading comprehension mistake. Tries to delete misinformed post to save face... gets Kinja’d.)

AI and deep-learning technology is truly a Pandora’s Box that I really wish we could put the lid back onto. Obviously we can’t, but man. It was cute when it was restoring/recreating aged pictures and vintage video footage that couldn’t have been otherwise restored, but now that it’s becoming a snake eating its own

Well, according to this KUTV article, she was making him a drug mule.

Winona Ryder damn well better be in this. I know it’s not confirmed one way or the other, but I’m just putting that out there into the universe.

Huh. I guess I can see in a quasi-metaphorical way how people might think would be true, but... nah. That’s totally overthinking it. Unlike “which towers are the ‘two’ towers?”, there’s never been any doubt that the lord of the rings was, in fact, a reference to Sauron.

As is wrestling such as WWE!

I’m pretty sure they’re aware of that ;)

THIS. This is why rushing the sequel trilogy out too fast caused it to feel so disjointed. There just wasn’t enough time to actually make sure everything was coordinating together instead of just assuming “the next guy will won’t skip a beat, I’m sure of it.”

Now playing

Serious suggestion: trying showing him this song?

Now playing

Yeah, I think there are some specific Canadian musicians who nailed just what kind of insanity infects the U.S.A. years ago:

As flawed as it was then (and possibly unplayable now), I have many, many, MANY fond memories of Shadows of the Empire for the N64.

Ka truly is a wheel.

Ooh, another Tower-head! Long days and pleasant nights, friend.

Always glad I’m not the only who saw that movie. I rather liked it.

Yeah, I can see how that can happen with the first one. It’s a surprisingly understated movie when considering the usual excesses of the genre. But man, that fourth movie is astonishing in its commitment to give the audience a real helluva show.

In living in an era where the Fast movies, Mission: Impossible franchise, and John Wick series exist, I really feel action movies are the best they’ve been since the 80's.

Well, this looks neat. Hopefully, it actually is.

And this my friends, is why so much of 80's cinema has been so enduring: they didn’t even think to bother with that “mystery box” shit.