
If you haven’t seen (or just weren’t enamored by) Fleabag, then I suppose it would seem like a forced thing.

The body looks distinctly manly and not at all like Karen Gillian’s. (sic)

I will never stop whinging about how much I hate touch screens and miss tactile buttons being the standard. Every time I try to type a text message, it’s like trying to play hopscotch on a patch of ice.

Oh, agreed. I don’t blame the SFX teams for it AT ALL. I lay the blame squarely on the top brass: whether it’s the film-makers assuming they can just fix it in post, or the studio heads riding their asses to get to post-production as quickly as possible, it’s purely a product of poor planning and is just another

Nah, those movies look like shit, too.

Honestly, while Cavill leaving the role seems a big factor for people’s frustration, I think the bigger frustration lies more in who’s replacing him in the role...

Yes, that is an excellent point. I find that the same thing is appealing to me when it comes to British television: the brevity usually results in a tidier, more concise story.

A lot of people will point to Squid Game as being the big reason for why this is happening, and while it was certainly a turning point, it also can’t be underestimated how many people (such as my wife and all her friends, for example) have started watching all of the K-dramas that are now available on Netflix.

So like Cube and Buried before it, this whole movie’s going to take place in one room? Sweet. That should definitely save on production costs. Hopefully.

I’m amazed at how many other people enjoyed it, because I found it underwhelming, personally.

Seeing as I was personally fine with the series ending at Last Crusade, I find this news gladdening.

Went on a web search to correct your correction... but TIL that apparently I’ve had the “all bugs are insects; not all insects are bugs” maxim completely backward for far longer than I’d care to admit.

Now playing

Yeah... misattributing Sonic as an 80's entity is seriously mischaracterizing how much having ATTITUDE was the biggest lure that 90's mascots pop culture relied on to bring in the youths.

Man, ain’t that the truth.

Because that film had the worst exposition delivery I’ve seen since Last Airbender.

Well, a month later and I got this UI.

A sensible lad, that Elijah Wood.

I think part 3 is where the world-building really got noxious.

I agree, though I do think there is something to the theory that season 2 will cover all the events between the two games that the second shows via flashback, and the third season will be the non-flashback material.