
As someone who is a parent, I can tell you with full confidence that not a single one of those talking dog, “____ Buddies” movies featured anything remotely resembling a bone being thrown to the parents. No knowing jokes, not a whiff of resonant maturity, nothing. It’s like they were made with the explicit intention

I think I’m more offended by the tackiness of her pants in the header image than I am about the act itself.


Same here. I don’t know what it is, but something about the ALIEN franchise has led it to have a pretty decent track record for game adaptations over the years. Sure, there’s been some clunkers in there, too, but if we’re putting it into “batting average” terms, I feel like this series is the Babe Ruth of video games

We still have one. Haven’t touched it in about a decade, I don’t think.

Now playing

Was hoping someone would mention Life In the Dreamhouse. That webseries was 1,000x better than it had any right to be. Darn right this movie has big shoes to fill!

I’m so excited for Spider-Man 2099, even if he seems to be the villain here (though probably just in a “Batman is a villain for 3/4 of Batman v. Superman sort of way).

Honestly, up until I looked it up, I likewise thought the soundtrack to the second film skewed more 80's compared to the 70's of the first film. I think it doesn’t help that there’s probably a number of songs on those soundtracks that came out in the 70's, but either felt like they hit their ubiquity in the 80's, or

Heh. If I had made this post just five years ago (when such a setup was more cost prohibitive for me), it would not have had that silver lining!

I feel ya, buddy.

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Nothing made me feel like a person past their expiration date more than hearing Tencious “You Can’t Kill the Metal” D write a song where they, the paragons of “Rock N’ Roll is FOREVER,” finally just throw their hands up and admit that, yep, Rock as an influential force in modern pop culture is truly, finally dead...

Huh. I can see that, actually. I guess I was thinking a little too hard about how Florence Welch wrote that song ironically, i.e. “The ‘dog days’ are over; now the truly tough shit is gonna begin,” but you’re right in that it would work really well for an emotional crescendo, much like Vol. 2's excellent use of

I mean, the only aspect of the “murder hobo” archetype he doesn’t satisfy is doing his own murdering. But if he can get someone else to do it... #profit

...Hugh Grant’s character, actually.

I would also confirm that it’s very accessible to folks who don’t play D&D. All of the fan service and in-jokes are so seamless and unassuming, there’s literally no distraction if you don’t notice them. This movie is how easter eggs should be done.

*** Also, the movie came out in 2014. The point remains the same.

I will admit to being overly-salty about this, but I look at how modern smartphones evolved away from their telephone origins with the exact same incredulity as MTV, which stopped being “Music” Television decades ago.

In fact, curiously, making phone calls with these devices is one of the most cumbersome things we do nowadays.

On the one hand, I can see what you mean, and I always love Love LOVE that kind of neat progression in movies. There’s just, uh, one problem...

Ooh, I like your thinking. I can even see the Marvel logo unspooling perfectly over it. Very good possibility!